Thursday, December 22, 2016

                              Why I despise the Fuhrer Principle; Trump, Hitler and Tom Arnold
                                                 And four definitions of political power

          Working through my email inbox this morning; one email from a non-profit group usually devoted to animal rights, was a petition to request that the TV actor, ex-husband of Rosanne Barr Tom Arnold release a video allegedly showing Donald Trump, on his reality TV show The Apprentice, using such words as "nigger" "cunt" and calling his own son a "retard".

           I did not sign the petition. If Tom Arnold wants some mileage from this alleged video, which probably would have been more lucrative before the election, that is his business decision.

          And such use of the words nigger, cunt and retard will shed not one more light on the President-elect that is not already known. He may or may have not called his son a retard, but he did make fun of a disabled reporter. And far as being sexist and racist, It does not matter. For all I know he may not have a racist bone in his body but he knows his core supporters do [as far as being sexist, he marries sluts who looked good into porno pictures. go figure].

          As to why I despise the Fuhrer Principle as a cop-out for the masses, when their vile collective nature goes awry and their Great Leader takes a tumble and falls, They can resort to "It's a two-party system.." ; "I was just doing my job.." [Nuremberg trials]  " way could I vote for Hillary Clinton.."; [Ditto for me, I did not vote at all, haven't done so for over twenty years]

        There is a misconception echo'd even by historians that Adolph Hitler hated Jews because of his experience with a Jewish doctor who treated his dying mother, and having to do business with Jews as a painter. Both are fallacies. The Jewish doctor, who treated his mother, and his family were given exemption from liquidation by the order of Hitler -- there is no evidence that he had ill will to the doctor when his mother died, in fact quite the opposite. And he told a friend when he was a painter that he liked to do business with the Jews "..because they gave the best deals.."

        So The Final Solution was not the Fuhrer's need for such, just the ordinary Germans of Deutschland need to be Uber Alles; and Hitler was the figurehead hollow point to the fulfill the needs of the masses. Representative Democracy is just the same job Madison Avenue does. Selling S.U.V's  and soap and misguided hope to what the people want. That brand X or Y  or candidate Y or X is going to make a difference in their sad and desperate lives, Like the show of Make America Great Again signs posted in their front yards and automobile bumpers.

       Thanks to the Electoral College, a few million on the plus side means the majority of voters can say  they did not cast their ballot for Herr Trump. But as he is to be president, all of the government will work with him in the same old give and take of politics. And there is your problem. And it would be the same problem if the president-elect was Hillary Clinton. It is called a Parliament of Whores for a reason " so horny, me so love you long time.."

       And the Voting Public is the client. That whore will sate all your lusts and appetites and,  yes, genuine needs for as long as you got the money coming. The bitching thing is for us Non-voting Public, the money the government whore makes is called involuntary taxation; income tax, sales, excise and property tax and such.


      In a Dictatorship, The Oligarchy takes the power from the people

      In a Democracy, The people yield their power to the Majority i.e. "Tyranny of the Majority"

      In a Representative Democracy/Republic - such as the USA - The people give up their power to the Oligarchy by choice.

      In Anarchism, the Anarchist gives up NO or at the very least as little power as he can to either the Oligarchy or "Tyranny of the Majority"

                          --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.



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