Tuesday, January 19, 2016

                                           Diogenes Ltd. copyright 2016

                                      SIX Points Define Tactical Anarchism;

              The State, enforced by coercion and penalty for disobedience, has no more inalienable right to rule or govern than the individual.

              That Non-Statist Hierarchy exists. That the purpose of Statism is to cement Socio-Economic Hierarchism. Statism, or government, though an integral part, is the means but not the ultimate end of Hierarchy. Which by definition seeks its own perpetuation.

               Differs from Rational Anarchism (as defined by Robert Heinlein). Which views State, Society and the masses as abstractions with no concrete reality. Tactical Anarchism regards these "abstractions" as concrete reality. Because they have concrete effects upon the world itself. Thoughts, generally speaking, impact and shape tangible reality.

                That the individual as a singularity is an uncertain variable. That the mass of men are more inclined to deterministic models; though subject to the influence of the variable individual(s).

                That the individual trumps the collective. Tactical Anarchism regards Individualism as paramount. Because Societal Entropy is the result of complexity. Whereas the individual, being a more simplistic entity, is more enduring and stable. Natural Law is that which endures is that which is more stable.

                Anarchism in toto is but the means by which the anarchist would live by. That given no viable formulation has been made to achieve an anarchist society - to dissolve one regime without another filling in its place - A reformed society is doubtful at best. But the individual can reform himself.  --- Diogenes Ltd.


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