Tuesday, April 26, 2016

                                                            God's Word Interpreted
                                                           57 varieties and 32 flavors

           I guess the contra-wise to the notion of the Holy Infallible Word would be why then so many different ways scripture always gets read?

            That is why I never put stock in the proverbial word from the top. It always can mean anything because it says nothing but generalities.

             Like when I was in prison;  the objections of voicing of an angel from such a dirty mouth and dirty mind. Hey it isn't that bad.

              And the messenger from most high was himself a hard-timer convicted of raping a 13 - year - old across Louisiana state lines. He was set to be released  in 2015 I recall.

             If there are conspiracies that go all the way to the top; are there then conspiracies that go clear to the bottom?

            There are different ways to  look at what filters down. Bottoming out is just water seeking its own level.

                                ------- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

                                                            First Christian Church
                                             In Search of the Lord's Way Lead Me Astray
                                                               In Sunday School

            In the years of 1993 - 1997 I would become a tithing member of the Disciples of Christ.
But Sunday School lead me blase' as to what was to be a Christian. For the other members of the
Sunday School class, they were always grappling with the sins of homosexuality, especially lesbianism. And teenagers safeguarding their virginity was also a hot one on the list.

           My wife and I were having no problems with the sins of homosexuality and lesbianism. And we were not teenagers in need of safeguarding our virginity. So we left the faith.

           And I would feel that I wasted my 10% tithing of a janitorial income. But as it only averaged out to about 23 dollars every Sunday, I spent at least that much at the bar where we would go after service. As my wife and I were not ones to struggle much of any sin in drinking, although sometimes we would have maybe a little too much to drink and then the barkeep would tell us and the girl we would pick up to find a room.  -- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.



Wednesday, April 13, 2016

                                           September 29 2005 - 1984 in Fort Worth TX
                                                              Pariah of The Chain

     ONE MORE NAME; the one they never talked about in Fort Worth, that name I would not know for Adam. But in Fort Worth TX on September 29 2005 someone(s) within the Federal Medical Center - Bureau of Prisons sure gigged me about his victim with no self-esteem to be his pushover even on the night he killed her.

     Real jerk he must be, and yet never did the cops ever thought to fabricate a fingerprint like the poor boy who knew a Lisa, another victim unrelated. That case closed with the conviction of another in 1985. Sometime months after the cops admitted they fabricated a fingerprint match on the poor boy who knew a Lisa. But they looked good in the media when they had yet to be proven to fabricate fingerprints.

      Yet not one concern up and down the food chain of the FBOP-FBI-USDOJ about the inmate contraband mule CO Jeff Shanks, something of a pushover himself. CO Jeff Shanks thought to gig me, with a planted homemade weapon, about Catherine Lee Davis, so the word was, 21 years after the fact.

    A killing of a familiar face in 1984, in the paper then. But for the unnamed wonder-boy of the hallowed and carte blanc "The Chain" . As they are referred to by folks who could use such push-over soft cops and silly young girls.   --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

Monday, April 4, 2016

                                                                Richard Floyd,
                                             The Deed Not Creed of the US Constitution

     On denying due process in a court of law; yes there is procedure for the ruled "incompetent" and even more damning the ruled as "dangerous", the Fifth and Sixth Amendments of the US Constitution. Outside of my case I forgot more of the circumstances of the cases of others on the MHU-FMC-BOP than I remember. But in the case of my friend Richard Floyd, who I owed big time to, is textbook and his case is stark.

     Richard Floyd was ruled incompetent to stand trial. Okay he was "throw'd" to use the lingo I prefer - mental illness criteria is mostly subjective judgement based on what is the current cultural "normal". And of this ado it is a fact mental ill people are statistically less likely to commit violent offenses than the "normal" population. So how did Richard Floyd become ruled as "dangerous" by the court and subject to commitment for an indefinite span for an alleged non-violent offense of taking a joyride in a car across state lines?

     I read his rap sheet. Outside of the auto theft he had a DUI. Under the heading of History of Violence only one word "None". No sex offenses, no known gang affiliations. He was gainfully employed at Tyson Chicken (Part of his delusion was that Tyson Chicken owned the Federal Bureau of Prisons. With the amount of chicken they do serve for dinner, I did not dismiss this out of hand).

     He was illiterate and thought his rap sheet was a frame-up. I told Floyd most of the inmates on the compound could do with a rap sheet this clean. I could. Knowing him over a year I never saw him once act out violently or aggressively. I once had words with him and he just turned and walked away (I later apologized). And this is a big boy - the reason I owed him big time the way the FBOP likes to jam up with other inmates with  uppity cool-hand-luke types.

     So for a crime he was charged with but never convicted. And for a psych-ruling NOT in his personal history he is in legal limbo, as many others, for an indefinite duration having nothing to do with his criminal charge. In my case of being ruled "incompetent", Judges Don Bush and Richard Schell would NOT allow me to plea NOT to contest the probation-revocation because though never a criminal charge on my probation violation. I was to insist to answer the accusations made by FBI Special Agent Mike Krennick under oath. As how could I invent an individual in Denison TX in 1992 when I first knew of him in Fort Worth Texas in 1985?

     This is how as examples the deed not creed of the US Constitution works. A pork barrel incarceration of relatively benign inmates to lay claim to tax-payers dollars to fatten the coffers of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Just like any and all pork barrels of the government; from the Pentagon to the National Endowment for the Arts to the National Security Agency. Tax-payers' dollars mean paychecks and perks and job security. When tax dollars are used to solution government created problems.

     And whatever necessary and pragmatic functions the government does serve, it is mainly of facade of legitimacy for the power with the major guns. The explicit agenda of Diogenes Ltd. is to erode this veneer of legitimacy so any guns has the same prerogative as the opposing guns. And locally we have been quite successful in this enterprise. As no police in Denison Texas is considered trustworthy and often just a nuisance with no credibility.

     Although they still have their pork barrels and perks and pay checks and job security. Off the tax-payers' dollars.  --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.