Sunday, August 28, 2016

Patti Smith--Rock 'N' Roll Nigger (with Babelogue intro).

                                                                        Throw'd Off;
                                                                or, Shit Runs Downhill

                           "Acknowledge irrational beliefs towards others, and provide reality-based data to support trust." -- treatment plan  -- Dr. Ashley Noble PhD.

     "C.O.s don't lie"; that is the policy of the Federal Bureau of Prisons regarding its correction officers. That "C.O.s don't lie" may seem, tho the general public, a rather broad and all inclusive statement to make about a nationwide system of penal institutions. Of the eighty-five men and women employed as correction officers at the Fort Worth Texas facility, a Federal Medical Center; 100 % integrity would be quite commendable.

       However on a Thursday morning of September 29 2005 (21 years to the date from 1984, a date to weigh heavy on a number of hearts and minds of the family and friends of a Catherine Davis), one correction officer, on that Fort Worth compound, not only lied, by way of false incident report. He planted a "shank", a homemade weapon in the white pillowcase of my celli -- white pillowcase being very important -- and he did so at the bequest of  still another celli; himself regarded by a number of inmates on that unit with such descriptive labeling as "snitch" , "faggot", "piece of shit" (his boyfriend, a very nice young man, liked him however).

      And I would have been a witness to this planting of the shank, the homemade weapon, in the unsuspecting inmate's white pillowcase; the so above described celli had a green pillowcase, my pillowcase left upstairs and not subject to search was white like the white pillowcase of the unsuspecting celli who had the planted shank in his white pillowcase.

     Except there was that policy of "C.O. don't lie". And because of that policy, and something or other in my psych-chart; and by always sticking to my account, I would go from a "good inmate" to another descriptive label: Throw'd Off.  --- copyright Diogenes Ltd.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

                                                        Life Without Principle; or,
                                              This is for you Texoma Community Center

                       "The ways that you might get money almost without exception lead downward"
                                  --- Henry David Thoreau

     It's de ja' vue all over again in the words of Yogi Berra. Once again I am direct and contra - wise against those who do wrong, or at the least compromised, due their gainful employment, their "job".

     It is mostly, but not exclusively, a female adversary there standing by their job, I cannot respect them. I regard them less than a whore supporting a pimp. Quite apt as behind the scenes it is a male malefactor who is the source of the misconduct and malfeasance in question.

     My mother once lost a job with the US Postal Service because she would not have sex with her supervisor. Mom did complain and her supervisor was transferred as Mom was hounded out of the US Post Office because the more submissive female co-workers did not like a snitch.

      Myself, because of Authority entanglements, lost jobs in Boston MA, Fort Lauderdale FLA and Galveston TX since I was too hot to handle for honest labor.

       But Mother and I never lost our principles by taking a stand. Think about that next payday girls.
        --- Diogenes Ltd.

LIFE WITHOUT PRINCIPLE by Henry David Thoreau - FULL AudioBook | Greates...

Thursday, August 11, 2016

                                         Consequences of Reality and the Road to Hell.

             Years ago I had a taste for drugs and partying; but not murder and extortion. So I snitched in a rather creative way, in that as a nickel and dime dope dealer I had to take the wrong kind of things and people into consideration, as they too had no taste for the heavy numbers.

              It was a mistake on my part. Because even old enough know better; the goons who do manage to have acquired money and power can be creative  as much as I, and they have the weight to throw it around, for both the cops and the masses think of money and such as power and weight to throw around.

             But creativity breeds more of the same, and things escalate that never should. And further down my blog, one can read how a baker's dozen of the most heinous killers - one such kept his victim alive for two days -- will never see the inside of a courtroom for their crimes, because of what would be my testimony as to the what all of the weight of money and power in the cop shops here and there.

             The police can only be cross-examined with clean hands. And the cumulative effects of the years has assured that my testimony would equal cops with dirty hands and reasonable doubt about the would-be defendant.   -- John David Browning AKA Dog -- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


Monday, August 8, 2016

                                   Regarding The Excise Tax And Tax Resistance.

                 From military misadventures and corporate bailouts, to state prisons housing drug offenders who were not victimizing anyone by the way that they catch a buzz, to our town of Denison subsidizing some wealthy family's tax shelter, funding from the city coffers, reviving a decayed downtown district. I object to subsidizing as a tax enabler as a sucker who draws no benefit from wars and crime and bailouts and tax shelters. So circumstances are such that I became a tax looter -- and now it weighs heavy on me.

                 Of the following Youtube video of Julia Butterfly Hill; there is more than just refusing to pay federal income tax. Even though many believe that "poor people" do not pay federal taxes, they do.

                 Local, state and federal excise taxes may not be directly paid by the consumer but the excise tax is included in the bill of sale for good and services whenever you shop or pay for something ordered.

                  In my case of living on Social Security; I pay net zero on local, state and federal taxes. As what is paid to me means only the government gets back minus what it paid out to me personally. But as for excise taxes, I cannot avoid them completely but how much could I( and we) avoid paying?

                  How much I buy that is not what is needed. I live simply enough but I have my wants and vices like tobacco and booze and too many Java Monster Mean Bean energy drinks. And while morally it is right to avoid paying taxes like the federal income tax, as many keep their income bracket low enough to avoid such.

                   How much more money could I withhold from the corrupt and destructive mechanisms at every level of government by making more simplifications to my lifestyle. Where too many wants have become to me a need. Oh well, really, with its stamp tax, I should give up the cigarettes. As is I could live longer with my bum ticker. -- Diogenes Ltd


Julia Butterfly Hill: War & Tax Resistance

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

                                                    Conspiracy Without Foresight;
                                                           Landscaping Service

        Removing the weeds and trimming down the overgrowth. Society, civilization from the dawn of history to today, has had mechanisms for such to deal with the social surplus - wealth generated beyond what is needed for sustenance. Why government came about in the first place, to tax and take away that which may, in itself grow too strong and out of control if not subject to reduction of its vigor upon the collective.

        But what was a weed, as opposed to a flower? And what was overgrowth as opposed to economic wealth? It soon became what ever in the eye of the subjective beholder. And what ever was good for the collective was a question of what therefore good for the one or the few as opposed to the many.

         The individual versus the collective. Or was it the collective deciding to define what was for the good of the individual? The wants of the peoples that were soon to be the needs of the peoples of what was before not needed. And the individual was to be defined by society's limitations.
         I dislike the word conspiracy unless it is strictly used to define the legal term of the criminal offense. "Conspiracy Theory" is often rightly maligned because what will fall under the umbrella of the conspiracy theorist  is not a crime but obscured machinations at best.

       Here I use the words conspiracy without foresight because even though it encompasses the activities that fall under the criminal definition, it depends more on consensus than a conscious design or deliberate agenda, and no need for central controllers even when they are present. Just the same old song and dance civilizations play from century to century from the rise of fall of the Roman Empire to the USA, like links in a chain or a rail track moving along as the same to its destination in oblivion -- Diogenes Ltd.


Charles Bukowski "The man with the beautiful eyes"

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

" If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." -- Henry David Thoreau

(In memory of John Travis Browning and Paul David Briggs)