Tuesday, December 29, 2015

                                       Leveller the Digger Dog ; to be continued........
                                               December 29, 2015

           "Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared to our own private opinion. "
                                               --- Walden.  Henry David Thoreau

          Why I would prefer to call my brand of Anarchism just Thoreauvian Philosophy. Not that this philosophy was new and or unique to Thoreau. The earliest and most notable such philosophy would be called, in the definition I would call a Leveller, - after the political and social movements of the historic era in England of the Levelers and the Diggers.

          But the most still well known and in today's world still some how obscured; was the leading light of the minority number;  indeed Diogenes was a contemporary and arch-rival of  the majority-rule Plato. Diogenes and the generations to follow of the Cynics  were still as a school of philosophy maintained through the decline of the Roman Empire.

          Cynic in its origin of word simply translates as best as dog, dog like. Far removed from today's use of the word cynical.  However revealing such as viewpoint would be to the true cynics. Like business owners who always invoke god and country to sell cars or Bar - B - Que ribs.

         Reminds me of a Sherman business owner who operated a self-serve car wash and incorporated on his business store front-sign  a bible verse on the subject of baptism. He sold out his business and skipped town owing a friend of mine a months' wages for the part time job he did for this self-served car wash cleaning up the place for a couple of hours every day. My friend never did collect his back wages.

        To any philosophy 101 student who would think, as a child of the Western Christian Civilization, That Plato sounds a great deal like what Jesus taught and died for. That is because, what ever the debate of what Jesus said and/or did, whether it be of a believer or a skeptic, is as inseparable from the philosophy of Plato that there is no practical reason to distinguish between the two.

         Anymore than to distinguish that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone because Bell beat out, by the clock, securing the patent to from another inventor, separate and unknown to they were at the time to each other, as they both developed the same device.

           One interesting note about Christianity, as children of a Catholic family, my sister and I were amused by the Baptist kids down the block who believed Catholics were all into kissing the feet of the statue of the Virgin Mary. A bit exaggerated but even as  youngsters. we could understand this protestant aversion to what is in fact the Virgin Mary as a fertility goddess figure; heathen idol indeed as she is prominent in especially in Catholic cathedrals presented in adored statue forms.

           Most Protestants do not think anymore of the virgin birth than what was prophesy in Isaiah. Except that belief is in error for both Christian and Catholics, the Book of Isaiah said nothing of a virgin birth. Some editions of the bible that is are use by a number of protestant denominations use a translation of the book of Isaiah which the word is "maiden", the Hebrew word for "girl". Which contains no contains no implication of being a  virgin or not.

           It is actually believed by most historians that this mis-translation was not willful but in fact could well have been an honest mistake, translating the Hebrew into Greek, by who ever was the unknown scribe in question.

          And centuries would pass still before even to bother to note this error that would have the rosary chanted by innumerable Catholics for almost a thousand years.

           This digression is to illustrate what is at the base and most fundamental conflict in World Views that is to decide even the most critical factors of both in the Cold War:  where Nuclear Options were the last days of life as we knew  --  we all would be dead  --  was a political and military contingency.

         And today's Realpolitik where Science as mathematical models are warped to the ends of those who say factors that are as subject to uncertainty by definition; one can postulate trends on what is best or most available data, is only what can be worked with, the data at hand means how well can the research product can be by the best of class researchers.

          Would mean if it snows unseasonable in Miami in February one day out of a century. Means climate change or global warming is as bunk and pseudo-science as the Darwinian notion of Apes evolving from Man.

 The Opinion piece of such overthrow of Dark Age nonsense will have as its advocated a syndicated columnist published nation wide; a newsman who has a bachelor's degree in English to his scientific background in formal education.

          And no more nonsense of a Great Global Extinction in the next two centuries, the last such was 65 million years ago.

         To nay-say  the self-evident success of Smithian Economics. Of rising prosperity for all as the standard of living increases as means and distribution of goods and services becomes more efficient and cheaper - by the way, contrary to College 101, Marxism says the same thing as did Adam Smith. Only in Communism the Capitalist Overlords are now just your equals, as they too must work the same shitty job packaging boxes on the assembly line in the workers'  paradise.

           No money for a tenured professor to think:n what if the bosses and the workers all got equality in saying "fuck this.. let's go down to the river and go fishing, but that would just be another excuse to drink beer? " ...fishing is so boring you have to be buzzed to enjoy it by the river, or pond or lake.. creek.. from a gold fish bowl.  And the old boys at that fishing camp always made fun at the Ivy League Academic anyway.

         Climate Deniers are the Platos, who as Plato was the arch-rival of Diogenes, as they both lived and philoso -fied in the same city, at odds with each other together. Plato is the one to say Science proves Apes did Not evolve from Man - contrary to 99% of all other scientists.

         Diogenes, the leading light of the Cynics, as a Thoreauvian in Concord MA.,  told Wendy the prostitute that  "Of course, its a real $20 dollar bill. See how it is printed? IN GOD WE TRUST. It's old money, that is why the bill is dubious looking. Just well-worn, but legit to do business." Wendy was going down the road to score us a quarter ounce of weed.

         We knew Wendy could be trusted and not burn us. She was a whore but an honest whore. Some say she got religion, born again, baptised into the holy, and somewhere interstate some one cut her throat open. But for those of John 3:16 she has it much better than the Cynic/Thoreauvian as today in 2015.

           As of late, first with my wife, now to all women, the word   "bitch"   is applicable.  Mitigating circumstances are when they are too stupid to know better, then they are merely a   "stupid bitch"   who is of a collective designed to piss me off and/or subject me to a stress level in danger to my already as is defective heart.

          Not Heart as metaphor but the one that if jack-knifed can kill me. It did my thirty-five year old nephew in Chicago just a few months ago.

          He never smoked, did no drugs, did not even like to drink. And never had the misfortune of being tied to one woman no more than 2-3 years, that girl name of Jenny, now lives in NYC.

          My nephew still had an inherited family trait, plus way too fond of foods like Pasta, Pizzas and delis; and as what the menu offers in the way that makes Chicago famous for its delis....And I survived a steady supply of Breaking Bad quality meth in the 1980's?  and now smoke more than I use to..?

           And as a bitch or three live by the misfortune that may come what may to me in bad news. Bitch is the correct term for a female of the canine species'.

            My last two dogs, Charly and now Wyoming - our beloved Charly passed away after 10 loving years just before Christmas of 2009 - Wyoming was abandoned and abused when she was brought to us in 2010 as a rescued animal, we were not even then looking to replace Charly.  IF only I could have a bitch like Charly and Wyoming,I would be living in a New Jerusalem .. -------- copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.


                                 The Leveller;   intro The Digger Dog

                                    Tuesday, December 29, 2015

                             Speaking Truth of Power to the Powerless

  March 15, 1988 - exit Boston MA.    PBS  I   May 2001 -  Lum & Morton is to West Berry and University.

                         " But sometimes a fool gets lucky and wins/Sometimes the innocent pay/ for an old man's sin"                --- Patty Smythe Scandal

        " We practice annihilation of mayors and government officials to create a vacuum as popular war advances Peace is closer..." [?! - Orwellian!?]

                  -- quoted in song Civil War,   Guns N Roses

          "... Skynet is the virus!.." - John Connor,   Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines

Spoiler Alert - what follows is called in the publishing business the Hook. If you have by happenstance stumbled upon this while sauntering the cyber-realm, and it holds neither interest or currency for you, pass by it knowing that probably says something positive about yourself.

All others may feel free to post comments.

                   Picture yourself the cop on the case from out of town. What town may be a question of, who is person of interest. They would be kids in the Denison Independent School District now in Middle or High School. They would have been elementary students at the now demolished Layne School on Layne and Washington st. in Denison TX, from the years of 2006 through 2012.

                  Flash your badge to some of these kids, and ask them about the neighbor who was known to write poetry when "drunk"; that is what the teachers said, anyway, of him. They knew him as "Dog". A rather unpleasant individual, almost always seen about walking his dog. He had been known having owned in a ten span three dogs and for years was known as the guy always walking the dog.

                  On September 7, 2006; off the corner of 800 N. Layne and at the intersection of 2800 West Elm st.  A sphere of influence was established to work a control over the children of Denison TX who attended Layne Elementary School. As that Dension Public School security system went into complete failure as in crash and burn.

                 First Denison Independent School District faculty, then Grayson County Law Enforcement and in turn to finally the US Department of Justice as was presented by the FBI out of Charlotte NC.  Have been deadlocked into a stalemate, at the mercy of criminal gangs and madmen weighing out their private agendas.

                 AKA Dog:  FBOP inmate # 11031 - 031, outside of a sacked and creative use for air freshener as a buttplug.   A teddy bear, some FBI profiler said symbolized personally for Dog the child he could not save; as attached to it a cypher but was well understood by those who knew of retired FBI Special Agent Buck Revell of the Dallas FBI office in 1992:     29BuckyR19   Timex  10 - 6 -03

                  As the out of town cop, you know inmate # 11031- 078  AKA Dog is no Boo Radley. As Dog had been known to have walked away from the scene of one or two cold cases. And the life lesson the children would learn from the drunken poetry, as shoplifting in a gang, use the black kids as a "stall". Mall cops and Store managers will zero in on nappy headed black kids ready to ponce on them at the first sign of the five fingered discount, the white kids meanwhile boost all the good stuff to steal as the White Security fears the Black Breach thereof.  

                   Memeplex was a concept, that as a program was well thought out in the years before the internet and the world wide web.  It would be difficult for then even an intelligent layman to fully understand its implications.

         But in today's world, in part to the Rise of the Machines scenerio as a popular Sci-fi movie, the line by the character in Terminator 3; John Connor   " ..Skynet is the virus.."   this conception is readily comprehended by a movie audience.

          On December 31, 2004, about 12:00 pm. I was hung over from the previous night of drinking, and caught a city bus in Fort Worth Texas, to self-surrender at the Federal Medical Center of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. To serve a sentence I copped a plea to 21 months, minus 15% off good time - they do not have parole in the federal system. If I had not lost any "good time" I would have been released from prison, to serve out three years of supervised release, on June 30, 2006. Then my supervised released would have ended July 2 2009. This was my first convicted felony offense. I was assigned, as would be always if I ever returned to the federal system, the BOP # 11031 - 031.

             Unit Case Manager B. Meharey, who had a body that conjured up causes for train wrecks, describe me as a "good inmate" on October 4, 2005; as to my agitated state of mind. Even as a fellow inmate, a youngster out of Fort Lauderdale, we called him  "Dirty", asked me,  "What are you getting so worked up for Homey?..it was just a shank.."

                It was a Thursday morning on September 29 2005. Three cellis from the unit range 8, myself,  John Browning,   Lonnie "Joe" Hodges, and Richard Chambers were sent to the Special Housing Unit, "the hole" , pending investigation of a homemade weapon "  a shank"   found in the white pillowcase of Richard Chambers by Correction Officer Jeff Shanks - yes, Shanks  "found" a "shank"  - that it was a white pillowcase was very important. Because for what ever reason Hodges had a green pillow case and my white pillowcase could not be the white pillow case which was Chambers' because my white pillowcase was left on the bed with the pillow gone.

               Of the three man cell;  total four pillows, two pillows were Hodges, confiscated, 2 pillow cases. one white, one green, Hodges himself later that morning of September 29, made a point to me that his was the green pillow case. My white pillowcase was left behind on my bunk as the other two pillowcases were taken into confiscation along with all four pillows of the three cellis bound for the SHU on September 29 2005, already had triggered to me, the word trigger itself is a psychological term - of the date September 29 1984 - 21 years ago to that date of, a Mississippi girl in Fort Worth TX, whose cold case was noted by the total dick head she was having sex with the night she was last seen alive.

               On October 4, Tuesday, 2005 all three of us were released from the SHU all charges dropped and investigation by SIS Lt. Hopkins was concluded. All records of the investigation and incident were destroyed. Including all three --- personal property of not subject to confiscation according to the FBOP regulations -- all three inmate copies confiscated and destroyed of that incident report. As I stated CO Jeff Shanks account of his "shakedown" was bogus as did not occur in the range 8 cell " .While conducting a shakedown ..a pillow in the common area of the room.." was more like downstairs in the CO office.

                But after  October 5, 2005;  "good inmate" turned into the prime evil of a "Cool Hand Luke"..as to again because people really like to believe they are better than they really are. And people like me take great pleasure pointing up fools whose public image they will pimp their bones and flesh for.

                I was released on July 30 2006, with a loss of good time for not " Not cooperating with programs " and the charge of "Insolence". Almost a month more to serve. On November 21, 2006, I was taken into custody by US Marshals, to remain in custody until I maxxed out on July 30. 2009. One of the US Marshal said that day of Nov. 21 2006 I " ..fucked with their power.." I served out on a violation and no criminal charges to a probation violation that ordinarily would mean for three years supervised release would be served out a 18 months to be free and clear. Nov 21. 2006 to July 30 2009, under three year  to serve. The total time served for my criminal conviction, was to be 18 months + about 1 month for a loss of good time more to serve for a crime of violence. 19 months for a crime of violence.

          Two years and about 8 months for " .. fucking with their power.." as to say I pissed people off because although the child I did not save.   But one I did. As for the Oxford MS family said by the soldier as an officer in the National Guard up in Boston MA. in 1988, to be inquiring minds then.

           Maybe the soldier in question should remember my friends in Boston then who were vets, peacetime and Vietnam. To ponder the meaning broader than just GI  benefits and./or questions beyond military service or not. The following lyrics from the band Big Country, as all of American Cunts can suck me to realize by way of song what critical flaw you made in claim of knowledge, how defined your cartoon version of psychology as it never mattered anyway since such were trash to begin with.. as you stay up on your car payments and Sunday School never taught you things like how any sugar-britches version of a Boo Radley could ever learn to kill so well, as if trash like that could ever be of consequences to white folks even those DOA or cold cased...

                                   If I die in a combat zone/ box me up and ship me home/ - -- If I die and still come home/ bury me [2 or her 3] where the rose is sown.

PBS -- guess which of two of the three were  army vets?. wasn't Patricia. 3 dogs down. Any one bitch enough to take out the 4th piece of trash?  Maybe you mistook kindness as weakness for the flesh and bones of your pimped,  -- MOTHER  -- dear?  -- copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.


Sunday, December 27, 2015


                                            Monday of December 28, 2015
                                       Speaking Truth of Power to the Powerless

                                      Omar is to Kerry Thornley is to William Scott is DISD;
                                          940  - 484 - 6660

                                Eddy is to West Crawford Denison TX 1992
                                Turner & French were to Larue & Sharpe in end of 1993
                                 East Abram is to Browning Arlington TX 1996

                                      X = millions of dollars in federal, state and local taxes to be spent.

                    So FBI Special Agent Man Mike Krennick would never worry of, to be cross-examined of his sworn testimony of:  Case # 4:04 - CR - 70, (federal) Eastern District Sherman, Texas. November 28, 2006. Federal Magistrate Judge Don D Bush presiding.

                       AS how MAR. of 1992 could never be the one and same of JAN. 1985
                        And exit on March 17, 1988 could never be my 3 dogs down.
                                                     PBS I [ (V) May 2001].

                                                           ---------- copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.


                                                   THE   LEVELLER
                                                  Intro The Digger Dog

                                            Sunday of December, 27 of 2015

                                   "  ...When an Acorn and a Chestnut fall side by side.."
                                                                 I & II

I  ----

The Mechanismi;   Rise of the Machines, The actual programming for in the year of 1833 AD

     In the first grade at a Saginaw TX elementary school, less than six months before a move into the city of and school district of Fort Worth TX; was marked by the "Time Out" for me and a few fellow first graders. We thought our game of rough and tumble could be  enhanced by make believe sword fights; which our belts, from our britches, where taken off as to swing at each other as if to parody corporal punishment. For the few minutes of sanctioned "Time Out" we discussed the rumors that the principal had a mechanical paddling machine.

     And my consistent grade of F in Art, when I could not even seem to bother to want to color within the lines. Then began the Dark Times at some point at the the close of the first grade when we moved to the bigger city of the Fort Worth Independent School District. I realized, as I had a Saginaw Public Library card since I was in Kindergarten. That the First Grader Reader was for me, been there done that. And that was in the first grade as I was to realize I was proscribed twelve years of involuntary servitude, from childhood until I reached the age of eighteen.

    And when I just turned 18, the age to legally buy and have legal possession of alcohol, the legal drinking age was raised to 21 years  old.

    So defined Public Education as to make us as "Tools of Our Tools".  As noted by the of the first critics of Progress, Henry David  Thoreau. And why the undeniable of the Smithian Economy, as well it so was self-evident as to be the essence of the Industrial Revolution.  As to say the proof of vitality of the one, was the proof of certainty of the other.

    The very strongest of the species' now has become so accelerated as the dinosaurs who are quoted about that "....they got all fat and died..". Ennui and over exploitation is eating up all the Natural Resources of the Earth.  As growth can often  by the success of its vitality become a far too good thing to be too much a boom to exhaust itself to a crash.
        In 1833 the laws were established in England and America for the foundation of Public Education. Formalized schooling to program machines to teach schooled aged children to work under supervision and scheduling and compliance to mechanical systems that that are and were as a collective mechanisms;  hence Mechanismi.

           The concept of computers;  of an  idea of a complicated abacus were only of a mechanical devices devoid of a semi-conductors and/or electronics, and still not as cerebral as a snail darter.

          And the X-factor of kids, who could never seem to bother ado to color within the lines, The barriers o to draw to specifications, of what the clown is to be colored as. And fill in the said area within the lines as to the color that is assigned to the tasks.... ---- Copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.

                II - Here now defined ; Animal,   Mechanismi,   Livestock,   Peoples who are fuel/food,  Human

         I never really had the idea of a society as a machine. Too monolithic, one stamped out to fit all sizes for all times and places. A caste system where even uppity untouchables can only know the caste system.

          I am more of a loose-knitted even organic eco-techno systems to evolve and grow out and away as yet coordinated but with out any one but a many to overlap and interlock into multiple systems.   Hence a Socio-Economic collective society defined here as ; Mechanismi.

     ----    Animals -- here we just confine ourselves to the mammals. Swine and dogs, cats, whales and dolphins, goats and more goats, and cows and horses.

      -----   Livestock -- they are only for the meat on their bones. For pleasure and profit and/or cannon fodder. Their very existence is only to gauge by the value of the meat they pack for and of.

       -----  Peoples who are fuel/food -- The consumer-bots and the worker-drones. They sweat from even pre-school through the sunset of their golden years. They toil for the fruits of labor, to work to have  the time to enjoy consumption of them; until to be put out to pasture after a lifetime of toil. To toil to consume so as to toil and consume more; to toil to fuel and feed and consume as a system  for a socio-economic synergetic body.

        ----  Human  -- That species ' to only know, or learn to know, of a life of freedom won already at birth. The Mechanismi is to be evaded and/or surpassed. Even to its decay and ruin and wreckage of all its structures of peoples who serve as fuel/food for consumption and for livestock. Human is to be defined as life forms not to be defined by the limitations or constraints of compliance, as would be ordered by the Mechanismi,  as to support the livestock and the peoples who are fuel/food for consumption.

                ---------------------- copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tuesday of December, 22 2015

Happy Winter Solstice,

What follows for today's;  is of particular example of the kind of rationalization I despise.

And it could be no more prominent, that as a Son of the South, I consider the type of American Literature that is especially associated what the Segregated South was;  is called in the publishing as a quasi-genre the 'sugar britches' Lit.

Like once, just flipping through the pages of a college volume of literature, I happened upon reading of the first section of the Glass Menagerie.

 Tom Wingfield's mom, after Tom comes home from a hard day at work,  she is ragging him over him drinking a beer. And he is the only one working in that house as the sole support of his mother and his crippled sister; and he has his mother ragging him about a beer after a hard day at work? 

My mother would know better than to do something like that when I did not have a job.

And To Kill A Mockingbird. Now I must be clear I never read the book, I just seen the movie a couple of times in my life.  So I quote as this line came up as a subject in a previous conversation, Atticus Finch is telling his boy of how he wished to take all the suffering and evils from the world so his boy would never have to ..?..

Now wait a minute, we will ignore the ridiculous proposition that what is the idea of God Himself never takes or took all the sufferings and evils from the world for whatever may be good reasons for a God to not to..

But maybe that was the problem there for the mindset of the genteel folk of the South regarding Segregation, because they could not erase or overthrow the greater evils of mankind in one fell swoop..they would and could compromise and even "..accept the unacceptable.." because they did not have to be decent people because every one else  and/or enough people was already not even  themselves bothered being a jerk.

So if every one is a jerk. In that case I'll be a jerk. I can pass for a jerk; even if I wanted and was inclined to be a nice guy.

That is what I have as  for sometime,  I have learned to despise about the concept of universal sin and  ' Judge Not Lest YE Be Judged. That is what I regard as cowardice and  compromise to evil in itself, inherent in Christianity.

Whether you are a firm believer in the deity of Jesus that is not to be questioned. Or he was just another another preacher of semi-legend status. What was good of this teachings of Jesus, not original and already universal; but still there must be a better use for such a Christ rather  to be executed as a sacrifice to take away the sins and  bestow the salvation on all mankind due to the universal sin of all Men.

And as they always say of " ..A sin is a sin.."  as to absolve themselves of being  free and moral agents.

So I may lust at the neighbor's wife in my heart, but more in a porno- state of mind.

But that is a far cry from needing a restraining order from the court of law.

As my Dad himself use to say " Not creed but deed. " 

----------- David, the digger dog of copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

                                     THE LEVELLER;  Intro the DIGGER DOG
                                 copyright Diogenes Ltd. 2015

                                                                                                Sunday of December; 20 - 2015

              This is but a brief and abridged introduction to my blog, which is as now just came into the cyber realm as this early am of 12/20/2015. I have only been on-line for three years, in just recent months I began to exploit the social media of DISQUS, Tumblr, Google +, YouTube Channel and the other day, Facebook.

                My apologies in advance as my computer operator skills and expertise are but barely functional. I imagine I will learn more of what is needed for here, as I learned most of everything important in and of my life; by trial and error. I must have learned enough of a plus sized on the knowledge else I could not be alive today as is. Or maybe it was just luck, that random acts for fools and sages.

               My Socio-Economic political worldview is Thoreauvian and Individualist Anarchist. As an anarchist and an Individualist the only way to counteract The State and it's churches and society, is to not allow it to have any real power over you. Anarchism is achieved when one by his own volition does not fight The State, he merely allows it over him NO Authority.

              I consider Naturalism as the Alpha and Omega of Spirituality and Philosophy, as they are separated in the Western Thought. But I here am like those of the Eastern World whose Philosophy is the same as the Spiritual thought, or religion if you prefer.

             Naturalism is what is basically accessible to observation of and of it the world and cosmos in itself. The idea of Heaven or Hell belongs nowhere in this cannon of thought because IF even  as a given allow a Kingdom of Heaven to toss pearls to swine, pearls beyond price is still but slop to a flock of swine who would devour greedily, but would just pass it through to poop in the sty and have derived for the pig as the faithful no value as a nutrient. As I heard a fundamentalist preacher once say "..A born again turkey is still a turkey.'

               And I must be an apologist to the livestock swine of Hog, to be the animal metaphor for human waste and degeneracy. For pigs are in fact very intelligent animals, who if left to their own instinct, live a quite clean and healthful life. But as pork product are forced into a wallow of servitude in slop and filth in an enclosed sty. As to say I think we know who the real "Pigs" are.

             Years ago a friend a mine objected to compare people to animals. As he noted the difference between by accident, walking through the woods, to stumble upon a defensive wild mama cat with her newborn kittens. And to contrast the "human" mother, then on trial for murder of her infant, hearing that enough chili powder stuffed in the mouth of a screaming and malnourished brat would quiet it. She was sentenced to seven years. She would have maxed out in 2012 from the Texas State Prisons, free to breed more unfortunate offspring.

              Environmentalism as a cause for crisis, as epitomized as global warming, is where you find the worst of politics. Where ever global climate deniers invoke science as the same as evolution deniers they demonstrate no knowledge of how Science works, and what Science can say as certainty; as to what Science is limited as to variables that can not be known or calculated in advance.

             Whether preacher or republican the idea for them of Science, to speak as authority for their team, calls to mind the dissenting experts as Professor on Gilligan's Island.

            That I agree of global warming that it is of overriding man made factors and The world over is heading into the next century as the Sixth Great Extinction.  The Fifth Great Extinction occurred 65 million years ago. I think something that happens only a number of score of 10's of millions of years may override the otherwise boon of Smithian Economics which does proves itself  out in the long run of centuries.

             But it has been noted a grove of oaks trees will grow so dense and thick as to shut out the sunlight needed for its own seedlings from the ground surrounding to thrive. And such is the climax then decline of an otherwise thriving oak grove.

             And to note I despise most of what is the government of and on Democracy;  the sway of opinion polls and what the demographics is supposed to be for the typical 2.5 American -- I support conservation and environmental concerns  and animal rights to even a fault on the side of caution and concern - I support abortion rights and pro-gun rights as saying even now they are too restrictive in Texas or Arizona. As for prayer in public schools;  if your, any one of the gods, is so weak a deity that S/He-IT-They would need a school board or city council or Appeals Court to allow this god to omnipotent and omniscient. You  may have made then a poor choice in faith in this Supreme Being.

            I have refused to sign up for Obama Care from the very beginning to this date. Because 15% of the US population had no heath insurance? To me that 85% did is a good thing not bad.

           I would outlaw capital punishment even though some people do indeed and should die for crimes so heinous it would be even in the best interest of the condemned. However as the  body of Law & Order as is; to be given such a weighty responsibility, should be so no more than you would want me to fix your car brakes, as I am  clumsy just working a Phillip screwdriver.

           I would legalize all and any use of drugs because even in worse case of legalization of meth and/or heroin; the problems that would or at most could occur would be trifles to the cost of the legal and taxed substances of tobacco and alcohol.

           And to me the most sinister word, as Orwellian as the term 'politically correct' is;  the trendy buzz-of Income Inequality. It sounds so but a math equation, in need of a rigid add to add number to solve equals sum to solve a global problem, does it not?

           Since the start of the Green Revolution from the 1960's, world wide starvation and malnourished peoples have been cut in actual numbers of, more than half what  it was but thirty years ago. The Standard of Living is globally overall, at an all time historic high, and no sign of reversing course.

           So obviously, as a problem that seems at least to be working its way out of, the well-meaning intentions and its Road to Hell must fix the problem with declaring the world crisis of "income inequality".

          Not that you do not have only what to live on, you are as entitled as peon as any prince, to a cell phone and twitter and soon enough, as is in the slums of India, maybe  someday sewage systems with the cell phones in hand of every slum dweller in India as they lack basic sanitation facilities as more often is the case in the slums of India to date. Yes, one does imagine selfies taken while squatting to defecate in a gutter at the back doors of Asian slums.

          Like the old stand by; Tax the Rich, more and more. And that is to how.. the poor people are going to pay Less Taxes?

          That this moment the wealthy are enjoying their ill-gotten but legal return on their investment. So if they make more money, that is their own money, and doesn't belong to a government. But how even so, does the fact the government is taxing the richest money, is to call into questions,  Uncle Sam swiped a bigger piece of the fat cat pie is automatically as a boost to anyone of the ghetto?

           Rob from the Rich to Give to Middle Ages Poor? In reality the Sheriff of Nottingham was not a tax collector but a game warden. But I'll save that for another day of my new blog.  --
                              copyright 2015 - Diogenes Ltd. revised copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd. roaddogking.blogspot.com revised copyright 2017 Diogenes Ltd.; excepting all videos which are of the exclusive ownership of their producers