Sunday, February 28, 2016

                 Patricia alias Lynn Kennedy/Eddy Durant/Boston PD Detective Thomas J Gill

[January 2, 1988  "We could have a lot of dead street people because people with money have ways to protect themselves from people who don't.." -- Jay, National Guard Armory  on Commonwealth street, Boston MA]

     Patricia [AKA Lynn Kennedy]; white, about 5'7", 120 Lbs. medium build; I remember brown eyes, early 20's, bleached hair cut short. She lived in the Fenway Park area of Boston MA. I believe no family to speak of, no close ties. She was a smoker. She hung around with a fellow employee name of Steve. She was affiliated with the Aryan Brotherhood. In 1987-1988 she was employed at Pine Street Inn homeless shelter at its secondary facilities: Fort Point and spaced leased from the National Guard Armory during the winter of 1987-1988.

     During the summer of 1990 in Galveston TX, I was told Patricia had been shot [dead] by Eddy Durant of Amarillo TX. I was told this by his wife, MRS Durant at #K-203, Port Holiday Apartments 200 Mechanic st. Galveston TX 77550. I was told Patricia had been shot as a retaliatory action against me. I have inferred and postulated this alleged killing would have occurred in 1989, mid to late that year, in the Broward County/South Florida region.

      The only leads I can provide there is a librarian I heard of by the name of Chris employed at the Broward County Library/Federal Records Depository in Fort Lauderdale FLA. Chris was also said to have kept an extensive diary.

      Then and there in 1989, in downtown Fort Lauderdale was a street-talk controversy over allegations made by Chris concerning rival pro- and anti- abortion graffiti. The police there did Not consider Chris credible. A great deal of the street controversy was they believed she was lying and the talk centered on why?

       IF there is evidence the girl I knew of as Patricia was a victim of homicide, my only knowledge of such would only come in Galveston TX in 1990. Given the non-entity of Patricia, one would not find such pertinent information from a news outlet in Texas. NOTE: if even such a murder did not happen in Massachusetts, the events in Boston in the year of 1988 are wholly relevant; the questions of incident or accident then after the death on February 10, 1988 of Boston Police Robbery Detective Thomas J Gill during the course of an investigation. The death came down officially as an accident.

     And at the very least damage control due an 11-year-old runaway from Vermont, found safe. Years later I retro-dubbed Melissa and the Mann Act Band ((one-shot wonder) Kevin and 4 chicks; Kelly, Marlene, Jennifer and Heather. And a social worker name of Frances Johnson. St. Francis House, Tremont st. Boston MA.) The results of previous activities I was only to glean from newspaper accounts.


          Starting in 2007, FBOP # 11031-078, from the Butner NC Federal Medical Center - Bureau of Prisons, I posted a number of letters to the Boston Police Dept. et al up through release in 2009 and to date with emails and phone calls.

          Also, as Federal Bureau of Prisons protocol, I went through Special Investigative Services Lt. Tucker Hill of the Butner NC Federal Correction Complex-FBOP.  The only feedback, in person, I got from Lt. Tucker Hill, which apparently he had gotten from Boston MA, was in July of 2009. His answer to my direct, in person inquiry was ambiguous. Not a denial but not exactly a confirmation of the information and allegations as relayed to me by MRS Eddy Durant in Galveston TX in 1990.  --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


                    Patricia alias Lynn Kennedy/Eddy Durant/Boston PD Detective Thomas J Gill     II

      Case #4:04 - CR -70 Eastern Federal District, Sherman TX. November 28, 2006; my probation-revocation hearing. Magistrate Judge Don D Bush presiding.

       November 28, 2006; FBI Special Agent Micheal Krennick, his sworn testimony of Eddy Durant as "...a figment of Mr. Browning's imagination." For this under-oath testimony to be sensible: Eddy Durant could not be born of "imagination" no earlier than 1992 in Denison TX. In explanation; Holly Dawn Bowling February 18, 1992, Eddy st. is to Crawford Rd. Denison TX; as Amber Rene Hagerman January 13 1996 is to Abram and Browning Arlington TX. Yes, in 1992 they said they would kill children but I cannot resort to appeasement every time an over-privileged thug(s), with friends on the police force and the country club, points a gun at a child's head.

     In reality I was first cognizant of Eddy Durant no later than January of 1985 in Fort Worth TX.

      RE Vicky Lequire, formerly owned by Farmer's Food Store/Brancato's (defunct) 3628 McCart Fort Worth TX 1984-1985. Vicky Lequire in a Durant/Farmer family porno scripted with Eddy Durante in Grandbury TX (She had children to care for).

     In the years of 1984-85-1986 in Fort Worth TX was a high numbered series of homicides. Especially in 1984-1985 high profile concentration of young white women.Through subterranean connections; it was said inquiries were made about any freakin' with girls on film. It was believed some of the above mentioned homicides victims may have been photographed (or filmed) in their death throes. As far as freakin' on girls on film, my then employers fit that bill of fare.  Les Barfield, Linda Schmanke, David McKinney, Janet Farmer, Kevin Farmer, Ray Farmer, Vicky Lequire, Lisa K Dady, Ricky Garcia et al.  Farmer's Food Store/Brancato's 3628 McCart Fort Worth TX 1984-1985.

                                                          PAYROLL SERVICES

       Automated Data Processing, known as ADP in Dallas TX. W-2's for the year of 1984 in 1985. At Farmer's Food Store several employee's payroll deductions called into question by said employees. Me, John David Browning with 10 exemptions. Others, (still others?) with questionable payroll deductions; Cheryl Lode, Vicky Lequire, Karen Puscunet. Farmer's Food Store 1984-1985 (defunct) Linda Schmanke registered on Assumed Name Records Tarrant County TX.


   IF FBI Special Agent Micheal Krennick, of his sworn under oath testimony of November 28, 2006. IF it were accurate, NO Eddy Durant would mean probably no homicide of Patricia. BUT if in fact an even formerly existent Eddy Durant of Texas; a problem of Patricia AKA Kennedy or not. -- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.




Saturday, February 27, 2016

                                             The Power of a (generic) Sacred;
                                             / " Sometimes the innocent pay......."

           In the historic era of the Celts/Druids; there was a belief that if one cut the head off an enemy, one gain that enemy's power. That if it were their tribe to attack you, you had in reserve, as an asset, that enemy's tribal power to work it against them to your own advantage.

        It was for me not a head but a Big Lie. That I had as contra-wise to screw them whenever they would set out to clean and wipe up my backyard. Because the Big Lie can never withstand the cold light of reason. So incognito that always left their own backyard wide open and up for me to plunder more assets, if not give their wife and/or daughter a big kiss on the way out the back door or gate.

         But they always had the city employed in their corner following the Golden Rule, "He who has the gold makes the rules." And Truth never bought off and/or could pay for much. Certainly not the miserable souls who sell all of real value for whatever daily bread will have them keep pace with their favored peers. To say Anything Goes in the name of expediency and compliance to those who pay the pittance from the gold reserve.

         But in darkness the Big Lie is shielded from the cold light of reason. In government, school and church, the paid-for sponsored press. Or the shit in the mouth of a kid who speaks of a name of a little girl and  "cripple" used as a verb. His daddy is city employed.

           Twenty years prior there was a couple of annoying kids, same block, who used to hang around the yard. Never once did I see a, not once did I see any sign of abuse, neglect or exploitation. And their daddy never needed a kid to front him or need to speak of cripple as verbs with little girls. And I do not recall him ever city employed.  --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.




Thursday, February 25, 2016

                                                                  Short Note;
                                              From 1984 to 2017, to all those who told me
                                                  multiple times  " ..Nobody Cares.."

       From a couple months back I have as hard-copied an email copyright 2016 Diogenes, in a quasi-fantasy short short story - the date which the US Government falls as that is, a credible power that was and will not be again. Inauguration Day January 2017.

      As an Individualist and as follows an Anarchist who despises Majority Rule; as this Majority has decided it needed all the hallmarks of the Weimar Republic prior 1933, now it is 2016. I have mixed emotions.

       As to say who is this "..Nobody Cares.." now? They are always the last to be carted off.

                                   ---- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

                                        "...'They' don't know who 'They' are...[AH - but they do]..."
                                        Zombis, Rise of the Machines, present tense. "Tools of our
                                        Tools" 1845 - 1833

                                         In Wake of A Community School And
                                         Church Scandal; Pre-Teen Spy Ring

                                                 Shocking Poetry Readings!

     Okay it's not that bad. But really, to K's mom, you are too smart Not to know something's wrong with the DISD faculty's explanation that I was "drunk" as to absolve responsibility for the offending verse. As how many poets can lay claim to pissing off a 4th grade schoolgirl?

       Why neither the Police have been arresting in the name of law and order -  the links that bind each cuff bind cop and criminal; sinner and saint. Or the Anarchists are not calling to storm the Bastille - a little late as the public school in question was shut down and the buildings themselves levelled by heavy equipment years ago - popular culture would have the answer: Zombis.

       Zombis as now they are in vogue. To me is a mark of enlightment. The Walking Dead, from whom if you survive having half your face chewed off by a horde of these creatures; you are doomed, as infected,  to become one of the mindless flesh-eating masses.

      But notice individually how pathetic as monsters is the singular zombi- walking dead? Grandma could take one out. But as they are always a horde and masses of these strength-in-numbers. Best to kill them one at a time with archery. Because to shoot with a noisy firearm like an AK-47 or shotgun is to ring the dinner bell that there are dissenter-humans about.

        I still prefer Lycans. How cool would it be to transform at will into a Wolfen? As for Vampires, they remind me of an ex-girlfriend or two.

        I had an interesting conversation with my techie-Dad about the Rise of the Machines scenerio. Not willful designed software but evolution in the cyber-realm globally becoming self-aware. My point however is the Predominate need not be Artificial Intelligence on par or beyond Human Intelligence. It merely has to be the Dominate presence to over-ride and over-rule any other faction(s) to be so-called OverLord.

        I postulate such is the world wide situation and crisis in the present tense. And nowhere yet to affix as Rise of the Machines  "..the attack began at 6:18 pm..". Merely to realize the startup of societal programming began in America and Great Britain in the year of 1833 AD. The year Public Education became set to teach youngsters to subordinate themselves - to educate them -  to tasks of rote and repetition to serve the economic output of technology.

       "Tools of our Tools"; Walden was published in 1854. From the living experiment commenced in 1845. 12 years after Henry David Thoreau entered Harvard University in 1833.  --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


Thursday, February 18, 2016

                                                           28 29 92 9 - 07 - 2006-2016
                                                     bitch and gripe Broadcast In Silence

     Nation Autonomous is just a fancy for Anarchist Sphere of Influence. By definition, No Authority can be exerted upon others. Except when the city council member is caught up with his mama two-timing and then the babysitting fees are due.

     So then Denison's Finest have the pretext of the law, its facade as the final and supreme court. But one bullet is as equal opportunity as the next.

     But as most see authority as force to begin with, and the side of the bread is buttered with those who have their wives and kids to hold for delivery as to pay the piper, his indulgences. Because grandma's sister aunt Iris died at 87 peacefully watching TV in Hemphill TX, some yahoo would have that as  "....their power.." And authority is but force how expressed as brutality and violence, called in another word Bias with a capital B; and though their wives and kids will feed the bear, I must be dealing in dealing with the enemy of my enemy.

   IF only more good christians put as much faith in their Jesus and they served their Christ with far more faith than  in Bias with a capital B.  --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

Monday, February 15, 2016

                                                          Beauty of Science;
                                             It works whether you know it or not.

      When one considers that the 6th Great Extinction will be full bloom in the life and times of the
children to be born of now the children that are today. And that the last impacting 5th Great Extinction was 65 million years ago; and what was the concern then, before Man was yet dawning in his awareness of knowledge of the world about him?

        Probably more concerned than just needing galoshes at sea level to walk the streets of Manhattan due the rising tide which Climate Deniers and their experts at 2 + 2 equals minus 5 nay-say. And there is a free lunch and no tomorrow as if the success of Smithian Economics - and indeed I am the most in believing the success of; as income inequity was a busy work buzz-word for the needs to grant wants, which just ten years prior was not needed - but Natural Selection has done in many of too good of a thing.

        Newton did not invent but discovered every action has an opposite, equal reaction. And too many of one straw can hump a camel's back. So if the life cycle of a forest grove can impact, positive, negative or just simply impact, the aquatic environment of a bordering pond.

        Seven Billion+ of Humanity and its heat waste products dumped constantly and globally into the atmosphere and there was and is not to be an impact? And common sense tells anyone heat dissipated is a quantity that is nothing but pure waste. As no viable recovery has ever been found to make use of saw dust, so if waste is added to waste and if confined to a sphere which is the sky above and is as much the biosphere as much as the land and the oceans are part of one big blue planet.

      Nothing but a cretinous despot who would steal food from a baby mouth to gorge himself would deny a climate at risk due his appetites for things more often needed because the market told him today. What was not on the market as need yesterday. -- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


                                              The Conspiracy to end all conspiracies
                                               a blind clock maker is the Mechanismi

     An axiom  I coined many years ago:   They who tell the Lie must act according unto it. Even when such is liability.

     I cannot say they are out to get me, anymore than they are out for everyone. And why I never fear really premature demise for the other axiom so quoted below. The Dammed Thing is same alive or dead. And if it be dead, it can always and forever be a Damned Thing - the outlawed outlaw.

    And damn the women children and men, and dogs and cats, overboard long before the machinery of society -- The Mechanismi as I phrase it -- can allow to live beyond it means to survive another The Damned Thing. But Damn, if that Damned Thing always manages to survive beyond even  the bones that lie in the ground.

                 (from) Never Whistle While You're Pissing - Hagbard Celine H.M. S.H.

          " The most thoroughly and relentlessly Damned banned, excluded, condemned, forbidden, ostracized, ignored, suppressed, robbed, brutalized, and defamed of all Damned Things is the individual human being. The social engineers, statisticians, psychologists, sociologists, market researchers, landlords, bureaucrats, captains of industry, bankers, governors, commissars, kings and presidents, are perpetually forcing this Damned Thing into carefully prepared blueprints and perpetually irritated that the Damned Thing will not fit into the slot assigned to it.

            The theologians call it a sinner and try to reform it. The governor calls it a criminal and tries to punish it. The psychotherapists calls it neurotic and tries to cure it. Still,, The Damned Thing will not fit into their slots."

         -- The Illumantus! Trilogy - Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson.

                    This morning's love out to Tuesday.  copyright 2016 (excepting text from authors R. Shea and R.A. Wilson) Diogenes Ltd.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

                                                Abraham's Children in faith;
                                                  Tyranny of the Majority,
                                                  the faint-heart faithful

             Formal Social Control is just another sociological term for the law of the land, draconian and libertarian. Informal Social Controls; un-codified customs and mores and taboos, maybe commonplace, common sense and perennial to all nations and all times. Or peculiar to any given culture of a certain era and location that history placed by happenstance that given tribe and/or civilization.

               But we will confine ourselves to the American Culture and the Government of the USA as it stands now. Where, as Eric Hoffer observed - when the people are free to choose, they imitate each other. And hence, from the noble idea of Democracy, the will of the people can only be now of the "Tyranny of the Majority".

              Of the Western Culture its three mainstay religions; Islam, Judaism and Christianity; all have Abraham the father of a people and a major prophet of a god called Jehovah and/or Allah or just the Lord, but the name is of the same god. Indeed, the name Elohim for god is literally " the gods ", as Judaism was then in transition from poly- to monotheism.

              But this digression into the origin of the same boss in choice of name of deity in charge is to illustrate that if god or government still, as only an omnipotent and omniscience god could be. Is hyper-dependent that its creation capable of higher thought must have faith it exists omnipotent and omniscience or else it will banish to eternal death and/or damnation any who do not follow in faith or creed or ritual or paying the piper his dues as only an all powerful and all knowing must be co-dependent on those who would never pretend being all powerful all knowing or even mentally and moral balanced enough for public office.

         But in America where faith as illustrated, literally, in a Chick Bible tract gives all the mainstream and fringe would need to secure heaven. Others demand much more to prove the faith. Some in America would call it a breach of separation of church and state. Other nations would calling it beheading children whose faith differed from the looters rapists and thugs in the name of Allah called ISIS.

        Does that mean every Muslim would slaughter children? Or every Christian requires only barely minimal thought to mimic words, said written thousands of years ago, to choose between unreal paradise or eternal torment by understanding and following instructions in Basic English? Of course not.

       People are not that bad from man to man or woman to woman. But a Tyranny of the Majority; in a congregation or mosque; or the opinion polls or the nielsen ratings for TV prime time and/or, especially and/or, in this upcoming presidential election the choice in candidate for public office.

        As stands now, a socialist who would swaddle the American People, knowing best for them and damn the IOUs passed as debt bondage to a generation to generation yet to be born. But destined to assume not just the sins, but the penalties and interest payments, of a money borrowed they never saw or could choose to benefit or not from.

       Or a mono-maniac whose TV reality show is rated enough, and who is given credit for speaking plainly, where others would regard him as a ego-driven jerk. But as one who himself is accused of being egoist if not a jerk at times, I would not have "my people.." think I was so great that I could shoot at random on 5th Ave. and not lose their support.

       In fact my plain speaking has rubbed the wrong way if not alienated my own wife at times.  But if ever I would depend more on the Majority as Tyrant. Who knows what a anonymous authority which could depend on the mob rule of overwhelming force not to call me out as a jerk and/or heinous criminal who would boast of the ability to shoot down 5th Avenue pedestrians.

       And that is the point if it be American and/or Biblical History. The thugs and looters can use any god or label to justify their crimes. But only because the faithful of the victims can use the god, government and/or majority rule for the appeasement and acceptance for and of the crimes of the small in number, made great in number, by the consent of the would-be govern who choose instead to be ruled, governed and/or oppressed.     --- copyright Diogenes Ltd. 2016


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

                                                           The Chain;
                                          of custody, or fools and/or just a pipeline to feed
                                              the consumer choices of the masses

      The Chain as a criminal organization(s), of the most heinous crimes, one would not even as usual associate with trafficking contraband by any cartel and/or street gang per se; although they are inclusive of them.

      As links are of a chain, The Chain in itself is hard to describe as a hierarchy. Even if some links are stronger than other links, but the length of The Chain is determined by the criminal law code regarding  conspiracy. Conspiracy a word that I make a point to only use as it is defined in the legal system.

      And unlike the usual chain which is only as strong as its weakest link, a weaker link can be broken, but the chain itself will remain intact.

       The Chain goes beyond the ordinary reach of business enterprises -- some people will do things to other people outside of just ordinary monetary gain - a deer hunter does not, indeed would counterproductive to, shoot to torture before killing.

      Easy to visualize over time and geography a chain of communities operating as unison and oppression; a series of crimes of  rape and murder through even interstate and decades can be called most precisely a segment of the chain as defined by the laws of conspiracy. What is interesting, it can be applied to one individual with no co-defendants, or in theory to an indefinite number, but then there is the old saw of treason doth never prosper.

      And worded so as to be both inclusive and specific as to the actions needed to define criminal conspiracy which can be actions seemingly as non-action, in themselves not a crime or at the very least minor offenses.

     Interesting postulation; imagine a cop paid to look the other way on a body dump of troublesome girl;

       Can be tied as the group moves through this chain and by facilitation of bored housewife working prostitution at the local truck stop; a good old boy drinking beer and working a machine shop at a defense contractor, knowing of an activity of the group as they work and knowing of their future enterprises; and coming into to some benefit and/or status facilitating the group; and a city council member diddling little girls on the side, doing his one hand to the other washing.

     To pass along the group to years and miles down the road to film and rape little girls in a snuff film. Now all are linked from a cop to hooker to a redneck to a bad boy on the city council to the unspeakable crimes against children. Though the cop was just greedy and the whore a non-entity. And the hotel concierge  knew nothing of any concerns about the establishment a few years and miles down the road. For reasons beyond, indeed apart, from what profit most of the masses.
       One must think when and who  he does business with more carefully. Earning that 9-5 IN GOD WE TRUST.  Working the slogan to sell cars is crass enough, but pay-offs with children? God might take offense.  -- copyrighted 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

                                       HAY Another half-lives head of the other state;
                                        Vernon Farris FWPD TX - MA - FLA - TX et al AV

                 Lane is just another word for alley; Davis has a signia none talk about in Fort Worth TX from 1984. She was associated with over-privileged. WE came clean and beyond the state lines. The cops did not. One was raised up A. another down Violated.  --- Nation - Autonomous Diogenes [copyright 20 16].

Monday, February 1, 2016

                                                    Tuesday,February 2, 2016

                                                                 1984 - 2016  

     It is so Orwellian to have been the year of 1984. But No need of SuperState - No Such Agency. Just the folly to seek not answers but alibis. Because to seek answers, alibis just would not be needed,  for thousands of years, Man now at his twilight, still seeks not the answer but the alibi. Now kill all but not for their limitations; but kill them all for your limitations.  -- Diogenes 2016 [copyright]

                                                               February 1 2016

                                       My wife, Janet Irene Horner Browning; As how our marriage of
                                       25 years lasted with both of us still alive; don't try this at home.

             Last few years have been rough on my wife. As she says of how I have changed since prison. No I have not changed just more focused. But to her that just made me a bigger pain in the ass.

            Poor woman I realize now has felt under siege from me. So I am trying to do better than that. She has had enough already if I wasn't so bad enough. And yet still she has made me better than I could have ever been otherwise.

             In prison it was noted from other inmates how lucky I was she wrote me constantly, I was apt to receive mail from her every day. Of course that would always to lead to subject of skank letters and could they read them. I would ask what did they have in exchange for me.

            Anyway most of my wife and the business of scum control is on my facebook. She has the kind of family that makes me sick sometimes of the shared DNA of otherwise a very fine woman who aged well.She did make one unfortunate mistake breeding but only once, she is the first to say. But maybe the genetic lines can pass through us but does not have to be some dominant as to overcome us.

            As I do not define her by any limitations, far from it. She unfortunately does not share much of my contempt for people because she does not have the perspective I do. Maybe that is good for her.

            But I do know I did the best, somehow on facebook, to the neighbours and their redneck daddies as fat girls farting, who to justify their pimp mentality would visit my wife as they would their unfortunate female chattel, I post facebook to all fat girls farting global www. A big fat middle finger up the fat farting girl ass.

                               From my wife from me .--- copyright Diogenes Ltd. Keep it in your own big girl pants City of Dension. 2016