Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tagging Banksy: Criminology technique allegedly unmasks elusive graffiti artist

Tagging Banksy: Criminology technique allegedly unmasks elusive graffiti artist: Reclusive street artist Banksy has been playing hide-and-seek with British authorities for years, in an effort to conceal his identity. A new study claims to have identified him, using a technique developed in criminology to track down serial offenders.
                                                I Corinthians 10:23; Days of Reckoning

     What Anarchists would Chose to Homestead aside EPA regulators using windscreen as Freedom from Thought?
      As they, the posse of taggers, apparently waiting for the regular time I walked my dog down that block intersecting at West Elm & Layne in Denison TX. On March 09, 2014, at around 4:20 pm, to spray the tagging on the trunk of a tree, the first name of the man in question Mis-represented as one who had a beef here on this block, as it tied into the DFW metroplex area of Texas.

      And they were children, ages from elementary to no older than middle school, none of them lived on this block.

      As I had seen from the towns from where I once lived in common with the parties in question, although two decades prior;  MIS - Representation is subject to the death penalty in the laws of the Hood.

      ( I must clarify for the record, I have tagged, but I never mis-represented another in tagging. My signature and M. O. were clearly mine and was for my own agenda, which most often was not for territorial gain but to set forth what I saw in a problem that had to derive from it a solution.)

       Friends and loved ones of mine had died for the false accusations of which we did not do, but what in fact I saw with my own two eyes 4 pre-teen to young adolescents do that crime of tagging another's name and another's property on and of her tree.    -------- Diogenes Ltd.


Music Video - Nine Inch Nails - Head Like a Hole

Saturday, December 24, 2016

                                     The Conspiracy Theory to End All Conspiracies
                                           A Blind Clock Maker IS The Mechanismi

                                             [Re-blogged from February 15, 2016]

     An axiom I coined a number of years ago; They who tell the Lie must act in error according unto it. Even when such is, and in time, always is liability.

     I cannot say they are out to get me; more than the fact they are out to get everybody. And why I never fear demise from any shadowing in the dark -- who all could never be in the Light - for the other axiom quoted from the authors Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. The Damned Thing is the same dead or alive.

    The Collective - I coined for its plurality of machinery The Mechanismi  - by definition  it can never allow the Damned Thing to live and thrive. But Damned if the Damned Thing always manages to survive and bloom out here and there from  one land to another decade after decade for the millennium after millennium.

                [From] Never Whistle While You're Pissing - from Hagbard Celine H.M. S.H.

      "The most thoroughly and relentlessly damned, banned, excluded, condemned, forbidden, ostracized, ignored, suppressed, robbed, brutalized and defamed of all Damned Things the individual human being. The social engineers, statisticians, psychologists, sociologists, market researchers, landlords, bureaucrats, captains of industry, bankers, governors, commissars, kings and presidents are perpetually forcing the Damned Thing into carefully prepared blueprints and perpetually irritated that the Damned Thing will not fit into the slot assigned to it.

      The theologian calls it a sinner and try to reform it. The governor calls it a criminal and tries to punish it. The psychotherapists calls it neurotic and tries to cure it. Still....The Damned Thing will not fit into their slots."

                  ------------  The Illuminatus! Trilogy - Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson.

       Excepting text quoted from the authors Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson -- Diogenes Ltd.

Why Socrates Hated Democracy

"You have to vote for one of us!" ("It's a two party system")

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Let Loose the Line

Let Loose the Line: “I would’ve never been a slave,” Wally insisted. His voice was strained with age but rested calmly on the bedrock of conviction. “They would’ve had to have killed me.”

Trump's Power is Boring - JELLO BIAFRA AND D.O.A.

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: he is so constituted...Thoreau's Journal: 27-Dec-1858

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: he is so constituted...Thoreau's Journal: 27-Dec-1858
                              Why I despise the Fuhrer Principle; Trump, Hitler and Tom Arnold
                                                 And four definitions of political power

          Working through my email inbox this morning; one email from a non-profit group usually devoted to animal rights, was a petition to request that the TV actor, ex-husband of Rosanne Barr Tom Arnold release a video allegedly showing Donald Trump, on his reality TV show The Apprentice, using such words as "nigger" "cunt" and calling his own son a "retard".

           I did not sign the petition. If Tom Arnold wants some mileage from this alleged video, which probably would have been more lucrative before the election, that is his business decision.

          And such use of the words nigger, cunt and retard will shed not one more light on the President-elect that is not already known. He may or may have not called his son a retard, but he did make fun of a disabled reporter. And far as being sexist and racist, It does not matter. For all I know he may not have a racist bone in his body but he knows his core supporters do [as far as being sexist, he marries sluts who looked good into porno pictures. go figure].

          As to why I despise the Fuhrer Principle as a cop-out for the masses, when their vile collective nature goes awry and their Great Leader takes a tumble and falls, They can resort to "It's a two-party system.." ; "I was just doing my job.." [Nuremberg trials]  " way could I vote for Hillary Clinton.."; [Ditto for me, I did not vote at all, haven't done so for over twenty years]

        There is a misconception echo'd even by historians that Adolph Hitler hated Jews because of his experience with a Jewish doctor who treated his dying mother, and having to do business with Jews as a painter. Both are fallacies. The Jewish doctor, who treated his mother, and his family were given exemption from liquidation by the order of Hitler -- there is no evidence that he had ill will to the doctor when his mother died, in fact quite the opposite. And he told a friend when he was a painter that he liked to do business with the Jews "..because they gave the best deals.."

        So The Final Solution was not the Fuhrer's need for such, just the ordinary Germans of Deutschland need to be Uber Alles; and Hitler was the figurehead hollow point to the fulfill the needs of the masses. Representative Democracy is just the same job Madison Avenue does. Selling S.U.V's  and soap and misguided hope to what the people want. That brand X or Y  or candidate Y or X is going to make a difference in their sad and desperate lives, Like the show of Make America Great Again signs posted in their front yards and automobile bumpers.

       Thanks to the Electoral College, a few million on the plus side means the majority of voters can say  they did not cast their ballot for Herr Trump. But as he is to be president, all of the government will work with him in the same old give and take of politics. And there is your problem. And it would be the same problem if the president-elect was Hillary Clinton. It is called a Parliament of Whores for a reason " so horny, me so love you long time.."

       And the Voting Public is the client. That whore will sate all your lusts and appetites and,  yes, genuine needs for as long as you got the money coming. The bitching thing is for us Non-voting Public, the money the government whore makes is called involuntary taxation; income tax, sales, excise and property tax and such.


      In a Dictatorship, The Oligarchy takes the power from the people

      In a Democracy, The people yield their power to the Majority i.e. "Tyranny of the Majority"

      In a Representative Democracy/Republic - such as the USA - The people give up their power to the Oligarchy by choice.

      In Anarchism, the Anarchist gives up NO or at the very least as little power as he can to either the Oligarchy or "Tyranny of the Majority"

                          --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.



Monday, December 19, 2016

                                              Disclaimer, Warning and Do Not Ever Do This;
                                                      All of the Below That Follows

      Do not ever snitch, that being said, is to be qualified with: DO NOT EVER SNITCH

     Decades ago, when I could at least claim I was young and not worldly-wise, I allowed myself to fall into this trap. I did not have the common sense of the rap star Cam'ron who would not help the police even if he knew he had a serial killer living next door, though he would probably move. Although Cam'ron was just citing what was his business ethics, he did invoke the option of flight of the survival imperative fight or flight. The fight or flight is a biological imperative to which human to coyote to lizard to cockroach can avail.

     Noteworthy as an aside, cattle in the slaughter house and abused children do not have these options, as fight is not possible and flight is prohibited.

      As they presented this of themselves to me; former employers whose pride and delight was rape and abuse of stupid girls, that they could up their ante in a time frame and city where there were quite unfortunate girls of whom most are still cold cases - as the greatest evil starts with a simple compromise, and the long journey begins with a single step - alerting the police would be more my misfortune than my former employers. And now deceased and retired cops whose honors and platitudes should be in a garbage dump with their remains for their good old boy quid pro quo.

       I came to be an anarchist fairly late in life. Like many I use to believe representative democracy was a necessary evil, and being strung out on drugs, I was quite impatient for "...all at once a better government.." It does not happen. And I no longer do illicit drugs, which decades ago was a bonus to sting my former employers, who like my source, were confidential informants, who had their own bonuses from and quid pro quo with the cops.

       There is a fallacy of anarchism, disputing the "legitimacy" of government, monarchy to dictatorship to representative democracy, since all depend on not one's freedom of choice to go along or opt out, but on force to obtain and remain in control. However as I was first schooled in Gangsterism long before I learned Anarchism; extortion by force is the legitimacy of government; gangsterism, fascism, school yard bully and democracy ("Tyranny of the Majority", whether the neighborhood patrol or the lynch mob).

        For the harm and trauma I was to cause by not respecting either the formalized law or the sex trafficker, I can only say, I had to choose to align, deluding myself that one would be the lesser evil of the other. -- Diogenes Ltd.

Monday, December 12, 2016

                                           [Reprinted from Feb. 28 2016 blog]

                 Patricia alias Lynn Kennedy/Eddy Durant/Boston PD Detective Thomas J Gill    I

      Jan. 2 1988 "We could have a lot of dead street people, because people with money have ways to protect themselves from people who don't"   - Jay, National Guard Armory, on Commonwealth street Boston MA

       (Even after they moved on to doing in children, I am still the son-of-a-bitch who refuses to recant my stance that I was not responsible for gigging Ewert in January of 1986; I did not that gig and time and distance has made me even more of the son-of-a-bitch who won't recant. Of course after January of 1986, I would gig them to the Abyss of Hell for what they would do for a show of clean hands, not just dead street people but even dead children).

     Patricia [AKA Lynn Kennedy], went by "Pat"; white, about 5'7",  around a 120 Lbs, medium build, I remember brown eyes. Early 20's, bleached hair cut short. She lived in the Fenway Park area of Boston MA, I believe no family to speak of, no close ties. She was a smoker. She hung around with a fellow employee name of Steve. She was affiliated with the Aryan Brotherhood. In 1987-1988 she was employed at Pine Street Inn, homeless shelter at its secondary facilities, Fort Point and space leased from the National Guard Armory during the winter of 1987-88 in Boston MA.

     During the summer of 1990 in Galveston TX, I was told Patricia had been shot [dead] by Eddy Durant of Amarillo TX. I was told this by his wife, MRS Durant at #K - 203, Port Holiday Apartments, 200 Mechanic St., Galveston TX 77550. I was told Patricia had been shot as a retaliatory action against me. I have inferred and postulated this alleged killing would have occurred in 1989, mid to late of that year, in the Broward County/South Florida region.

    The only leads I could provide there is a librarian I heard of by the name of Chris, employed at the Broward County Library/Federal Records Depository in Fort Lauderdale FLA. Chris was also said to have kept an extensive diary.

     Then and there in 1989, in downtown Fort Lauderdale was a street-talk controversy over allegations made by Chris concerning rival pro- and anti-abortion graffiti. The police there did Not consider her credible. A great deal of the street-talk controversy was they believed she was lying and the talk centered on why?

     IF there is evidence the girl I knew as "Pat" was a victim of homicide, my only knowledge of such would come in Galveston TX in 1990. Given the non-entity of Patricia, one would not find such pertinent information from a news outlet in Texas. NOTE: even if such a murder did not occur in Massachusetts, the events in Boston MA in 1987 -88 were wholly relevant; the questions of incident or accident then after the death of Boston Police Robbery Detective Thomas J Gill on February 10, 1988 during the course of an investigation. The death came down officially as accidental.

     And at the very least there was damage control due an 11-year-old runaway from Vermont, found safe. Years later I would retro-dub Melissa And The Mann Act Band. ((One-shot wonder) Kevin and 4 chicks, Kelly, Marlene, Heather, Jennifer, and a social worker Frances Johnson, St. Francis House, Tremont St. Boston MA). The results of previous activities I was only to glean from newspaper accounts.


      Starting in 2007, FBOP - #11031 -078, From Butner NC Federal Medical Center - Bureau of Prisons, I posted a number of letters to the Boston Police Dept. et al up to and through release in 2009 and to date with emails and phone calls.

       In addition, as Federal Bureau of Prisons protocol, I went through Special Investigative Services Lt. Tucker Hill of the Butner NC Federal Corrections Complex-FBOP. The only feedback I got from Lt. Tucker Hill, which apparently he had gotten from Boston MA, in July of 2009 his answer to my direct, in person question was ambiguous. Not a denial but not exactly a confirmation of the information as relayed to me in Galveston TX by MRS Eddy Durant in 1990.  -- Diogenes Ltd.


             Patricia alias Lynn Kennedy/Eddy Durant/Boston PD Detective Thomas J Gill     II

       ("The greatest evil starts with but a simple compromise" - Paladin, Have Gun Will Travel. To really make the most  of the following, you would have to consult retired FBI Special Agent Buck Revell  et al , who signed off on the Hoyle Overcoating Co. manifest compiled in 1991. Reproductions after the fact from 1993/4 to date are not validated as proof in the pudding).

     Case #4:04 - CR - 70 Eastern Federal District, Sherman TX. November 28, 2006, my probation-revocation hearing. Magistrate Judge Don D Bush presiding.

     November 28, 2006, FBI Special Agent Micheal Krennick, his sworn testimony of Eddy Durant " a figment of Mr. Browning's imagination..". For this under-oath testimony to be sensible; Eddy Durant could not be born of "imagination" any earlier than 1992 in Denison Tx.  In explanation, Holly Dawn Bowling February 18, 1992, Eddy St. is to Crawford Rd. in Denison TX; as Amber Rene Hagerman January 13, 1996 is to Abram and Browning Dr. in Arlington TX. Yes, in 1992 they told me they would kill children, but I cannot resort to appeasement every time an over-privileged thug(s) with friends on the police force and at the country club points a gun at a child's head.

       In reality I was first cognizant of Eddy Durant no later than January of 1985 in Fort Worth TX.

       RE Vicky Lequire, formerly owned as a slave by Farmer's Food Store/Brancato's (defunct) 3628 McCart Fort Worth Texas, 1984 - 1985. Vicky Lequire was in a Durant/Farmer BDSM porno scripted with Eddy Durante in Grandbury TX (in the script she had her children to care for).

        In the years of 1984 - 85 -86 in Fort Worth TX there was a high numbered series of homicides - in 1986 Fort Worth had the highest per capita murder rate in the nation due to drug wars. In 1984 -85 was a high profile concentration of young white women as homicide victims. Through subterranean connections, it was said inquiries were made about any freakin' on girls on film. It was believed some of the above homicide victims may have been photographed or filmed in their death throes. As far as freakin' on girls in film, my then employers fit the bill of fare. Les Barfield, Linda Schmanke, David McKinney, Jan Farmer, Kevin Farmer, Vicky Lequire, Lisa K Dady, Ricky Garcia et al Farmer's Food Store/Brancato's 3628 McCart Fort Worth TX 1984-1985.


                                                   PAYROLL SERVICES, ADP

     Automated Data Processing, known as ADP in Dallas TX. W- 2's for the year of 1984, issued in 1985. At Farmer's Food Store several employees' payroll deductions were called into question by said employees.
me - John David Browning with 10 exemptions. Others with questionable payroll deductions on their W -2 's
; Cheryl Lode, Vicky Lequire, Karen Puscunet. Farmer's Food Store 1984 - 1985 (defunct) Linda Schmanke registered on Assumed Name Records Tarrant County TX.


     IF Special Agent Micheal Krennick, of his sworn testimony under oath November 28, 2006. IF it were accurate, NO Eddy Durant would mean maybe no homicide of Patricia But If, in fact an even (now deceased) existent Eddy Durant of Texas. Then a problem of Patricia, "Pat" AKA Kennedy or not.
--------- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


                                           Conspiracy Theory: Divide to Conquer,
                                             To Keep Conquered, Keep Divided

     From the 1880's through the 1950's, over 3,000 mostly African-American men were lynched in the USA with the explicit state-sanction for these homicides and other crimes of violence by the ubiquitous permission of law enforcement, by the very least non-interference by not resulting in arrest and prosecution.

      This served the purposes of, especially in the South, the Dixiecrats to exploit white-trash over discontent in particular when cotton crop prices fell, as Negro lynching rose in proportion to the depressed cotton market. To divert the white trash, pissed off and despondent, to vent their ill will upon those lower than them in the social strata, Negros. Otherwise the economically hard-hit peckerwoods might stir shit to disrupt the standing of the wealthy Dixiecrats, who would fund the Ku Klux Klan as provocateurs, to stir fears of the black man's lust for white women, who might breed out the white family lineages with the gene pool of the black population.

      As in the manner of the Bush Administration after 9-11, stoking fears of Weapons of Mass Destruction to invade Iraq, who were not in complicity with the Islamic terrorists harbored in the more formidable mountains of Afghanistan. Of course, the removal of Saddam Hussein created a vacuum for Islamic and Jihad extremists like ISIS to fill the void of a nation that had been religiously tolerant, as Hussein's cabinet had those from Christian families at the center of power. Now Christian children are beheaded in Iraq.

     To paraphrase Henry David Thoreau; as boys who cannot get at The Man, will abuse the softer target of his dog.

      But the State-sanction for criminal cabals like the Dixiecrats did not end when Negro lynching fell out of favor. Just nowadays the state-sanction given, for homicides and other acts of violence and brutality, is less overt and more ubiquitous in regards to the Designated Victim. As the Nazis did not at first target Jews but Trade-Unionists and Communists in the beginning.

     White or Black, young or old, child or elderly, male or female, poor or even affluent; ALL became potential targets as the Designated Victims. As now the Dixiecrats have another name, formally so to speak in criminal circles, The Chain. Operating from town to town across the interstate counties, North and South, to serve the agendas and business interests of Gangsterism and Thuggery. Which use violence and brutality to cement social control and hierarchy; by keeping the pecking order, the status quo, in its proper place -- copyright Diogenes Ltd.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

                                                     The  Designated Victim;
                        Dixiecrats, White Trash, Jesus the Billy Goat and Shit Downhill On
                         The God That Failed

        The ancient maxim of regimes and despots; Divide to Conquer, to Keep Conquered Keep Divided - you will find it as far back as in Chapter 11 of the Book of Genesis.
    So what does this have to do with Jesus? Like the Negros blamed for a decline in the commodities market [ see blog Dec. 12 blog above], Jesus was blameless for ALL the sins of the world and hence took All the shit because being the perfect man he could only die for imperfection based on the Hebrew tribal ritual sacrifice and scapegoating.

        The Scapegoat, the term used for Jews in the Nazi Era, or immigrants currently in the USA under President-elect Trump; was, in ancient times, a literal goat. The Hebrew tribe would 'scape all their wrongs and misfortune unto the hapless four-legged horned domesticated mammal, and drive it out into the desert to wander about then die.

       Then there was the  blood sacrifice, the lamb or other livestock offered up to a god as he commanded. Under Old Testament law it was to be prime stock and unblemished. None of these sickly cows or one-legged  roosters would do. Only the very best in show as far as a sacrifice would do for Yahweh.

         Jesus was then to be both the unblemished lamb of god, offered up to god and to be heaped and 'scaped with ALL the sins of the world so that Man could be born-again and dead to sin. Even as Man continued to sin.

       And why not sin and sin again? Because if I go about debauching and fornicating, all I have to do to steer clear of the morning after is to heap and 'scape it all on a blameless animal, who being an animal, would be without blame, or sin, as much as Jesus was. Like every time I fart I blame my wife who made no such noise, not then anyway.

        That is why Jesus was The God That Failed. Christ being divine and perfect was no more an improvement over the innocent animal whose blood was shed for what ever barbarism perpetuated by a blood spilling peoples who purged as a routine for what ever abomination they felt they were burdened by.

         No, the Negro Problem was not in proportion to a bust in cotton prices; Marxists could do nothing about your shitty job that was meaningless and which you held no capital in, other than to rob the Capitalists of their capital and make them do the same shitty and meaningless job that the worker  still would hold no capital in; However pure-blooded the Aryan would be, the peckerwoods would remain in the trailer park and county jail while the blue-blooded with their family crest and lineage would dine in their exclusive clubs boring each other to death.

          And when all the Mexicans and Muslims are deported the Redneck will still work his ass off to pay taxes to pay the government to deport all the Mexicans and Muslims. Not to mention still paying for the  food stamps for the other non-white peoples.

           And Jesus sacrificed on a cross did not do jack to save you from the consequences of a DUI or a bout of sexually transmitted disease. And the Kingdom of Heaven? Have you ever wonder why a god who created the heavens and the earth; stars, moons, planets, galaxies; light travelling 15 billions years to Earth based telescopes - a bit longer than six thousand years according to creationists - would be placated by a dumb animal offered up for atonement and redemption? Like the virgins sacrifice to a volcano -- what fucking good would a virgin, or not a virgin, do to please molten lava?  -- copyright Diogenes Ltd.




The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: bowels...Thoreau's Journal: 12-Dec-1859

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: bowels...Thoreau's Journal: 12-Dec-1859
                                The True Reason and Cost of Public Education As  Example Given;

     See below video, the No Child Left Behind crowd I believe this is. The idea of pushing airheads into college degrees can be found in the novel Grapes of Wrath; plenty of crops to harvest, so advertise to get plenty of workers, who will out-strip the demand as being the would-be supply of labor, so they could pay lower wages.

      The more and more college degree white-collar workers means a greater supply of white collar workers competing for jobs, which means otherwise higher paying professions, can be paid lower wages and benefits to the plentiful supply of white collar labor.

       And guess who pays this expense so Business and Industry can cut their expenses to gain greater net profit? Taxpayers funding Public Education; taxpayers, working for lower wages sending their kids to school, to train for jobs which will pay them lower wages, as college - oriented public education trains workers for lower paying jobs; and as there is a greater supply than demand for higher paying jobs, means more workers to compete for the lower paying jobs of flipping burgers and working at Wal-Mart, which means paying them lower wages.   ---- Diogenes Ltd.

Politically-Challenged: Texas Tech Edition

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

roaddogking: Propaganda Games: Sesame Credit - The True Danger ...

Anomie - Lack of the usual social or ethical standard in an individual or group.

Formal Social Control -- External sanctions enforced by government to prevent the establishment of chaos or anomie in society.

Informal Social Control - The reaction of individuals that bring about conformity to norms and laws, written and unwritten laws, including peer pressure and community pressure to reign in and control anomie.

Uniformal Social Control - a meshing of Formal and Informal Social Control when an anomie has deviated from what is acceptable to both Formal Authority and Informal Authority e.g. Gangsterism and/or societal penalty for non-conformity.  

    Formal Social Control breaks down. They fallback on Informal Social Control to forge a more binding and oppressive Uniformal Social Control. This had its start long before the example given in the video below. On Sept. 15 blog below I wrote of Uniformal Social Control in the context of Gangsterism. Gangsterism I posit as a legitimate form of government, in that like formal government, it is contingent on physical force as in the gun, for the cop so  it enforces as same for the gangster and racketeer.

       But as both Chaos and Complexity merge to form creation, so the Laws and government and Social Agencies outside the formal control of laws and government do seem to co-exist as two however opposing entities prop up against each other as support. For in contest never does one gain full dominance over the other.

     And situations can arise, that conflict with social forces within and without the formalized laws, And then one is alone, truly the ancient legal definition of Outlaw, in pre-modern societies legal protection is withdrawn from one who any and every person has the legal right to persecute or kill. But of course, the formal social forces will assure such outlaw status is no longer applicable in the modern world. Yet one so stigmatized as Outlaw does find with informal social forces the sanction to be persecuted or killed....with no objection from the law or government, which contrary to the beliefs of many, does not hold responsibility for anyone's safety and welfare. One so marked to be done away with..the police have within their rights not to render protection.

     As in my case, for the police, withdrawing would-be protection would be in their self-interest, as to decide to let the peoples decide my fate...But as one who told so to the peoples that the police were in error to accuse..or let accuse..things through the years got very askew and very bloodied..a number who died for no reason other than the errors of police and the peoples of a number of I was apt to travel in years past.

       And how did others die if I was the source regarding such error? Here and there it is part and parcel to this blog. As society's rule is if denied or thwarted from one venue, they will always take another however arbitrary venue. I suppose for those unfortunates I owe a semi-confession as to why they would otherwise have died without a name.  --- copyright Diogenes Ltd. 2016 Denison, Tx

roaddogking: Propaganda Games: Sesame Credit - The True Danger ...

Propaganda Games: Sesame Credit - The True Danger of Gamification - Extr...

                                                                   Going Vegan;
                            Because if I can't do the job, then I should not have it done for me.

      Horrific video I just posted on my Facebook, made me go vegan. Thing is, I am not opposed per se to meat eating and the slaughter it entails. Nature is after all eat and be eaten in the Circle of Life. But if I could not myself slaughter pigs the way as what was shown in the video, then I have no business eating them or expecting others to do what I could not do to have to feed myself.

       No I could not be like this so-called pacifist in an OP-ED in the local paper who opposed warfare but she did "Support Our Troops". In other words, "I would not get my hands bloodied but I am willing to pay others with my tax dollars to do it for me" That is like the AC/DC song Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap;   You got a lady and you want her gone/But you ain't got the guts...Trust me, if my wife drove me any further nuts, no one would do the job for me that I would relish doing..okay she is not that bad...but I make my point  -- Diogenes Ltd.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

1970 - Woody Woodpecker cartoon opening

                                                         True Crime Story

     Preamble: once I was questioned in a cold case back in 1993. As was I was in a different city altogether and such was verified. But some how I seemed to be familiar with the dump site, before the Tarrant County Medical Examiner was, in a manner of speaking.

      Funny thing was, my only familiarity with the dump site was from months before the actual crime. But as I had a head full of meth and such it took years to reconstruct the memory.

       As once I was a nickel and dime dope dealer, I fell into the employ of a family whose heavy numbers were above the reach of me and my crowd, some one had to be the Judas Goat. Thing was they had friends on the police force, some actually worked off duty as security for their facilities. So as things do go down hill for often or not small potatoes like me, I was to confess to something that was a relatively minor offense compared to the other wise major offense.

          But I refused to confess. Then I refused to recant to not confessing. This embarrassed the police and that became a problem for my former employers who had police as friends of theirs. Since they could not just get at me by my refusal to recant to not confessing  -- it would be over ten years later before I would know what was the deal about an afghan as opposed to a sweater, but I digress - I would not recant so they shot a no-name motel-maid whore I knew in the past as retaliation. Also she knew too much anyway and knew she could not hold out forever against my big beautiful puppy dog eyes.

          And you know what really is the bitching thing? I still will never recant, who cares what the neighbors say? Of course until recent years there was an elementary school a half a block down from where we live And some peckerwood would be wiseguy noted there was also a graveyard behind the school...Of course that called into mind hostages..but I thought as a wiseguy too and like the Frito-Bandito in the TV commercial "Now I will change your Frito-Lay Chips into my Frito-Lay Chips"

          What really is appalling is that worked. And now I got stiffed on the baby-sitting fees...  - copyright Diogenes Ltd. 2016 Denison Tx