Wednesday, January 20, 2016

       I Corinthians 10:23; "true" Diggers selling eminent domain real estate

    The Politics of Dancing;    What Anarchist would choose liberty to homestead aside EPA Regulators, to euphemisms of Windscreen as Freedom from Thought as Democracy in Action?


        What Ed Snowden did not realize; what only some one born thirty years after No Such Agency - could have as the only one with the cred to reveal tens of billions of $$ taxed pork barrel is Lovecraftian Cthulhu Classified Big Brother Watching You with One Glass Eye and cannot see out of the other, of a Helen Keller to fall into the Woods and NO Sound was to hear on March 09, 2014 about 4:20 pm, as I walked my dog.

  As dead already and honoured by both Partys: of the US Senator who had three friends of mine murdered to keep the break of the chain of custody secured on record. What we did not do, what I just saw the black teener - girl do.  Tagging as MIS-representation is a subject to the death penalty in the Laws of the ' Hood -                                                              

                      (working out the jacket blurb for my factional account to type as manuscript off-line -- Going Down to Liverpool 1983 -)  copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

                                           Diogenes Ltd. copyright 2016

                                      SIX Points Define Tactical Anarchism;

              The State, enforced by coercion and penalty for disobedience, has no more inalienable right to rule or govern than the individual.

              That Non-Statist Hierarchy exists. That the purpose of Statism is to cement Socio-Economic Hierarchism. Statism, or government, though an integral part, is the means but not the ultimate end of Hierarchy. Which by definition seeks its own perpetuation.

               Differs from Rational Anarchism (as defined by Robert Heinlein). Which views State, Society and the masses as abstractions with no concrete reality. Tactical Anarchism regards these "abstractions" as concrete reality. Because they have concrete effects upon the world itself. Thoughts, generally speaking, impact and shape tangible reality.

                That the individual as a singularity is an uncertain variable. That the mass of men are more inclined to deterministic models; though subject to the influence of the variable individual(s).

                That the individual trumps the collective. Tactical Anarchism regards Individualism as paramount. Because Societal Entropy is the result of complexity. Whereas the individual, being a more simplistic entity, is more enduring and stable. Natural Law is that which endures is that which is more stable.

                Anarchism in toto is but the means by which the anarchist would live by. That given no viable formulation has been made to achieve an anarchist society - to dissolve one regime without another filling in its place - A reformed society is doubtful at best. But the individual can reform himself.  --- Diogenes Ltd.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

                                       At Paris; Apes Evolved from Man.
                                         January copyright 2016 of 16;
                                          Denton, TX #146379 - Pod 16

                          Mimics,      those who say from ever and ever " ..BUT [We] I thought.."
    NO they did not think, they merely were given a thought that was orated and/or even written down as instructed them to mimic. These are those for whom words are masters and the teachers, they are the ones to say the Word was made Flesh.  Universally speaking as a culture pre - literate. Advertising agencies and their employed copy writers, as the same as any journalist(s); and clergy, preachers, gurus and avatars; make a living and/or get wealthy off making money from Mimics.

                  Literates;      those who use words to think, not just repeat, as a test taker would; as a Spanish speaker, to take a test on Spanish language, and make a B.  These Literati outside of whether they were PhD's and/or dyslexics are those whose words are tools, tools like a screw driver, that can fix a loose hinge. Or a screw driver to stab and kill to fix a problem person. Literates use words to dig a hole to lay a foundation, or dig a hole to bury a body. For these the Flesh is to be made the Word. The word to be is what the word is meant to be; if they were working an Ad agency and/or delivering pre-soften- pablum to a Sunday sermon to digest for a faithful flock of sheeple assembled one hour of a week -------------- to be continued --- copyright Diogenes Ltd 2016.


Friday, January 15, 2016

                    To An Illegitimate Boy Now As A Man; Born of OCT. post - 9-11

                 Maybe I am your father, may again then I am not.

                 DNA testing would have confirmed if ever I was to be confronted with the issue that,
as a married man separated from his wife, I had your mother, the one of a number she would give
birth to.

                 And if you were mine, I know your conception has in my memory, you would truly be
a love child. How ever that love would never sustain itself even when she said, when I was to return
to my wife, she was there for me anytime and anyplace.

                  Because if you were in the womb of May 2001, according to a source other than the mother; my lover outside of my wife and then still another, I never would be fixed as to obligations because I had not seen your mother for at least 5 months. I heard last of her from the other girl I was having still on and off.

                    As far as support; as separate as your mother and I as were at state and federal levels, we would be incarcerated, apart and on unrelated charges, as would be a toddler into elementary school, from 2003 - 2009. You would be born just at of or post 9 -11 2001.

                    And of the creatures of evil on both sides of the fences and picket lines and the badge of the Rule of the Thug; as only dollars taxed make the gun legit.

                     If you were mine or not, not one sought control to a yes or no question that ever remotely resembled what would be in the best interests of you as a child or any of a numbered of children.

                      More privileged than you could ever be; because their cops, rapists, pimps and thugs and the School District had those children where some one had to be accountable as to "..Whose Your Daddy?''

                     Another who could be your father, there would be some advantages , despite the traffick that made the conception bed, may be it was not love, but the candidate #2 does have some leverage where I do not.

                     And then your much older half-sister had been born with advantages not much in the way that money itself would buy. I heard she has my eyes.  ---- John David Browning Denison, TX 2016

                              ;; roaddogroadking:

                                         2 posts of 2015.
                                         1 posted as of 8:30 a.m. (CT)

                                             January 15, 2016, or; " ..History ...points up the folly of Man ( Naturally..DUH!).    ----     copyrighted 2016 Diogenes Ltd.
                                            This mornings love out to Diane.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

                                               ROOT--STRIKE: the Digger Dog
                                      Conclusion of (by end date) January 14, 2016


                        As unconscious, and though not representative as near of an artificial intelligence as to date yet of a "HAL" of the Sci-Fi movie 2001. It was still not blind societal programming as engineered with deliberation.

                       1833 was the historical date given as the foundation of Public Education in America and England. To train factory workers as youngsters to adapt themselves as labor pools to the required tasks of routine and fixed as a lifetime of work operating machinery at the bloom of the Industrial Revolution.

                        Howbeit still a subjective judgement to set at any given date of any decade through post- 2001 for the establishment of Mechanismi, here below defined as such.

                          Mechanismi as the undisputed and unchecked by any but a minority of dissenters; as the domineering factors as both Western and Eastern Civilizations. It's  power was wholly undisputed in the Machine Age. As could be regarded, however problematic, its reign and control could not be subject to serious opposition, as to the alternatives as the now very global biosphere, its economy is set to obliterate. Could now even not fulfill in its natural state the masses of World population of its peoples.

                         But in itself lead to a now status of Man in current times as one of a myriad of inherent dangers of and in any eco-system of any times in millions and eons past and would assume to be same givens in eons in the far flung future, for any and all species'.

                            Human parents of especially in America; became both unwilling and unable to train and protect their youngsters into adulthood against the simple threats of modern civilizations as would be a given in any jungle, no higher species could hope collective to survive as a rule if e,g. its public education students were trained to engineer software to run machines, and be forbidden to learn both The Scientific Method and Natural Evolutionary History of the earth's geology.

              And school policy had to have as a rule cell phones kept at turned off as too many parents kept "blowing up" their student-kids cell phones as they were in attendance in class. (And to think in our days we thought Sister Mary Elephant was funny..)  -- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.



                                         January 13; Wednesday of 2016

                              Government programs are like sex in porn movies. How every question, concern or complaint about sex in a porno the answer is always more government programs..err.. I mean sex or,

                 What I learned dealing in Mrs. Hempkins   6th grade Social Studies Class

=================================================================                   Start at 1987 Boston MA; So you have one, count one,  uppity piece of trash of a road dog; hobo would be the respected descriptive classification for a migratory worker, but then that would be confused with a Mexican. And then the said hobo would have work harder and so that would defeat the whole purpose of not having to work less than a 9 to 5 job as a permanent means of gainful employment.

    So guess what? you wake up one morning your livelihood was stolen many years ago in decades and state lines away;  from 2016 in Denison TX now in the home you own out right with your wife of twenty - three + years.
    And though you do enjoy a fixed steady income until the government dole is gone;
but not before the crap of IOUs is dumped onto future generations of children pending to deliver in the womb.
     Because no American Institute can work for anything of value, outside of government sanction and funding, you have an idea based as a veteran at the receiving end of government and the sty-minded "Tyranny of the Majority" generosity and benevolence.

      You realize an idea, as noted in one Supreme Court ruling; that resulted in a hit movie
that was for the NYC-based Mafia the most singular profitable enterprise for said Mafia, was the percentage in the distribution of the classic Deep Throat.

      But more of the story to be continued..Like Linda Lovelace, my wife has something she wanted me to get to right now.           ----------- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


Thursday, January 7, 2016

                                                       Matthew 20:16

                   AS was as is now, to be and as I saw was; 2013/14 in called to Boston PD
                   "'Sarged' Doagan; to imagine to have nothing to lose; and then to even lose that.."
                                    --- Memegermedlined as short of and/or:  Gnome'D
                 7:55 pm January 7, 2016 - copyright 2016 epicentered at Diogenes Ltd. Denison, TX


Theory reasoned as and subject to proof, of lucid rigorous textbook examination; is subjected to verify as certain as to stand as an equation; Conspiracy as Theory is conspiracy theory as always to be conclusive and proved as : Gnome'D.                 ---- copyright[ed] 2016 Diogenes Ltd.
                                                The Leveller; intro Digger Dog
                                                     January 7, 2016:
                                                     Truth as Power as Truth of Power
                                              To The Powerless and/or crippled feeble-minded babies

                                                    Rule # 13; Nothing confounds and distorts to twist askwered
                                        The Masses than the Truth. Sell some thing only an idiot could buy, and 97% of the recommended of Doctors agree They will buy.

              [Pre-set at August 17, 2009 -- 10 [06] - 28 - 2003 HeraDem.  (USPS posted Judge Don D Bush &  Judge Richard Schell:  Eastern-Federal - District; Sherman TX. 11 -29-2006; Case # 4:04 - CR - 70) and to the little girls living down the Lane off Elm; as to query of Pink or Blue? Both and/or All of the above

                    As was most testing; just answer so as to be inclusive, not so in-accurate and not quite just wrong. And you get an easy A in World History Class when the C students call you " Space Cadet"  as the teacher would note that was how Einstein was after a smoking a joint of Colombian Gold Bud with Rich.

          And 30 years later,  your teacher will have explain that the local Poets' Society is known to write and publish much if not most of their works while "drunk".  Just never do operating under the influence due to, other things,  medical liability issues.]

                This proposition in any postulated what if, has no one given heading or coinage of a said name of syndrome or paradox, basically the lesser of evils of choice when there is no choice; one will see in everything from Game Theory used by nations and corporations, in the Bible a number most explicit Judges 19:22 -30 or action movies like The Hitcher or FailSafe.

                But rather than dissent that one over another is in choosing a lesser evil is still even evil to embrace. More accurately many options are not as x or y as in computers bit bytes a choice of 1 would always have to compute with an 0 to even be as simple as a binary system.

                 Perhaps as Ayn Rand wrote in "This is Jon Galt speaking.." [to paraphrase] the choice of poison or food is to choose life or death. but to choose poison in food as nourishment is still [ultimate] death."

            So if one realizes, and even accept not so resigned to feel that it is a D-Day type of decision as if to lose the battle is but to ensure total defeat as extinction, when post elected day in NOV. 5 2016, just a parcel of MOther Nature down for the count but not so out that the re-match is never to be again. And each in turn of both opponents , well past the prime; Muhammed Ali could make good money endorsing D-Con bait. And George Foreman hawking grease-free fry - grills makes a few dollars.

              If one were to realize any body to win the Republican Primary could beat Democrat Candidate Hillary Clinton that even as not as a Republican President to-be with even  resembling the lucidity of a Bernie Sanders or not.

         As almost, from the boomtown years of the mid and late 1990's of Peace and Posterity post 9-11, WMD and the War on Terror as even after the recovery ongoing post- The Great Recession as the long-dead Osama bin Laden gets the last laughing now as Iraq is defeated at the hands of ISIS..

          But thanks to a high nielsen rating of The Apprentice and the Imperiled Evil incarnate of Immigrants of all colors, races and sexes; the As seen on TV post January 2017; President Donald Trump will restore hope of government entitlement for a better American Way of Life for every disenfranchised cracker in every trailer park across the A of US.

          Sad to think of Democracy in Action; for every President to put under spotlight - never the highly rated national syndicated OP-ED columnist of every Party paper or leading publication as endorsed on Oprah really never thought of what is the " Tyranny of the Majority "  where the numbers favoring the lynch mob of the natural order are as a rule of the more of the added sums of death and despair for nature minorities to resemble a Neadanderthal or Homo Saipen,

      [[[ [Man for short as not to confuse too many monosylble the the word as HOMO means only    " one ". which come to think, even to define so, too much thought  to what was as given could lead to same confusion. But not for me, but then as to claim a count of verified witness to defend a high-school virgin going back to the third grade - yes it seems obvious to any one that a sophomore boy would boast of being made a man as early as I would average at hip-wader  level of the 3rd-4th grade ( I assume they meant a home run but honestly, I would not know how to say? cop a feel would be a first or second base in the 4th grade?). When I merely stated for the record at 15, the oddest reaction was from some high pocket slut up two rows of shock. Like what I could say? well actually an uncle thought what if for a birthday party..but that was so to boast of that you had to pay $20, and yet to me, may be not the love of the lifetime..but as one of a different drummer whose values of time more than just the cash value of a quarter ounce..and when investing in a 5th of Jack Daniels as every knows when she gets drunk except she proved to hold her liquor pretty good damn I was the under tabling remembering her brother did not mention that..and who hell wants to cliche' "prove your love.." just to get past with a finger..]]]

              SO-So  you realized; instead of assurance that, at least you know viewer's choice of President Trump is to be a loaded gun in the hands of the voting majority of Idiot America, to loose in confusion of teenage lust of remembrance of Then;;   you noted the bracket -- to jump here  -- if you ever entertain the thought the country had a problem of Immigrants to begin with. That is the problem to begin with;  is the issue of.. Unless you somehow have an alternative solution to simple supply and demand, that wages offered aside. There must be a reason besides the wetbacks and towelheads stealing your jobs away in the easy gigs of agricultural and food service industry. And I a blogger can say that to your lazy fat ass and your white trash bitch because the candidate of any or all Partys of every political flavor and/or color can NOT tell you because people who speak so true:  do not get elected President, and never get to make good money as a respectable and noteworthy News Columnist known for being wise and sagely which simply means he writes better copy in the paper.

         "The head monkey at Paris puts on a traveler's cap, and all the monkeys in America do the same"
          Now instead of a hard copy past the next election as archived as proof beyond the need to be another paycheck to earn as an advertising gig. Try this analogy as candidate choice, CANNABIS SOLUTION TO DOSE HEAD MONKEY TO DO AS SEE THEN DO;
      Henry David Thoreau would have made a fortune working Madison Avenue, had he not hated to live in NYC in the 1800's. Maybe if only he thought to try it Newark NJ.. Wall Street would have not looked so bad.
      BRAIN ON DRUGS: pass it to D.TRump or Ted CRuz. NO equal opportunity here. One gets a good and stoned.   One is sober. At least sober not getting one toke off this.

Trump; that stuff burns brain cells

Cruz : NO harm done.

And if by chance you would favor Cruz in the primary, he is a Texan, that is he is a Texas Senator elected in Texas. But looney as he is, he hates fags. great, but no fag stoled a white trash job.

Trump is loonier than Cruz. Trump hates mexicans. mexicans work and displace white trash family values.

 But what if something Deviant, something earthshaking, was revealed by Prez. Cruz to-be  save american white trash values --  to displace fear of working for a living that immigrants pose; that would other wise blind america as a President elected Trump might.

        Something ridiculous sounding enough but what if something to as seen up enough as to a few Q & A can as the New Secular Menace that was verirfied as fact:  faggots and secular humanists of democratic parties in TEX/OK were shown as was as is to the Real Decent White Folks that opinion polls gave as 30% undecided..  

      --- Copyright 2016 (pre-November election DAY 2017) copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.




Wednesday, January 6, 2016

                                                  Wednesday 6, January 2016
                                              The Leveller; intro the Digger Dog

                        As here I hope below, I write as a profession of was is
                        of the best of a Literati as the context of actually finding
                         a use for Philosophy to justify a living at such to say, at
                         the pay grade of a entry level manager of a office of a
                         professional oriented client base..

            THEODICY; The Final Answer to end both the centuries of debate of theologians, skeptics and freethinkers and how best to answer the child as how a mentor would cite the Book of Job to explain " How could God have Little Susie from Ms. Thompson's third grade suffer so from chemo-therapy,"  so when as to go from tragic to traumatic.

            "How could God allow Little Susie to be hit by a drunk driver and  killed by a drunk driver played in her front yard?"  The most perplexing problem in  philosophy, can on resume' as Upset of the Societal Order to actually be worth enough to justify a philosopher as one whose product is worth the idea he could justify his salary  that he does actually work for a living.

             In Chaos Theory many a layman understands the Butterfly Factor, the one to mix a metaphor the one straw  to bust a camels' back  as the reason for all the time on any local news segment  devoted the weather on any day of the week.

            Why the meteorologist with all the education and high tech equipment to hype as  Doppler Radar. Which really only  means anything in Severe Weather Conditions that even at best means at most the edge counting in minutes that already  there is a tornado warning and the alarm sounds actually it's only so important because all and all any who would take every reasonable  precaution as to a warning is already as prepared as best it could get to say given the disaster of a tornado is even  bizzario to think that luck played the factor between your family safe and your home with no damage to rate the need for homeowner's insurance as two doors down on the block the house was destroyed and no survivors of a family of four.

        If one is to put to the test of how to answer as to a resolution to answer the debate of theologians and skeptics as to say To thank a merciful for the happenstance that to use the word luck as in the gamblers' prayer is  somewhat..wrong  Myself having known of friends and of one once loved murdered for what ever the evil men in the case of the girl she made a bad decision to work for a jerk  because in a town booming in New England in the closing years of the 1980's, at a certain  location that would be but a branch operation of already a questionable repute of a non-profit  that non-profit is a tax status and business charter that doing nothing illegal in itself means to  work for a charitable organization  as a CEO with a six-figure annual salary plus fringe benefits.                  

           And still worse to set up shop with an individual who held a rank officer of the National Guard, who outside of any service record peacetime or war time , I do not know other of him than the  term I would learn from a peacetime army vet "rump ranger" as fitting I knew mostly behind the  Big Table to smoosch to the Big Boys with Big Out-sized Reps they claimed as cred..

        Bittersweet as to know every guilt and shame and sorrow of one who loved one lost to homicide as a criminal associate, yet never as fooled even when to fall in love that marital bliss would be of one stumbling block that factor in to the unfortunate life of a simple young girl, as to say the happy after ending as a husband would describe a wife name of Patricia with the words "Lazy.. Bitch" The keyword is Lazy.

               Honestly,  of all the reasons to set down the road to self-destruction that would lead you directly as a target a point blank range, myself even to blame a bad choice of lifestyle on drugs, did not in itself ever displaced being raised with a work ethic as a given even when sober or straight job performance was not always to satisfactory.

                 But to blame the victim as even to mitigate she was "lazy?" To say my mother would disapprove of bringing home a girl lacking in a work ethic, as to say regarding in  later years of a female friend I brought home to mother, learning her profession was a dancer Mom critique as  "Dancer? she doesn't have anything to shake."
       Oddly here I realize as to say, best here I answer as the only viable answer  to a thousand and one would thinkers and faithful to only way to resolve Theodicy as  nothing more than a waste of space in a junk drawer that one may go months before  trivial reason to rummage through such a drawer to push aside the best of C. S. Lewis as a  Christian whose works as a writer of fiction would have been noteworthy and to contrast the atheist is worse by being both obnoxious and not even smart enough to avoid the swamp that is to  avoid of a christian reasoning for that to even answer as if it were serious to rate consider to argue of  the faithful and all their absurdism that even in the Bible.

               What ever is accurate or not is often but a historical of a Jewish people of time and place thousands of years ago, how ever horrific a custom and barbaric that in the times of the bible the word ban was not of censorship but of total annihilation of  a village of non-combatants and all their property for reasons of tribal warfare strategy that to burn even what would pay to plunder.

                      But worse the idea of Christian as a bible verse 3:16, if it was not bad enough, that a token allegiance every moral complexity to even what if of imagination, and then clergy make a living to as I quote word for word even close verbatim   "What more proof of God's Grace  can there be that it does not make sense for God to bestow Grace on his ...?."

                      Now what should have been written as a rough draft subject to editing I know think to capitalize on a fact of my upbringing of my father and his trademark humor that even as early as to recall of the late 1960's as a young man in the 1980's some one older in years than my father thought odd enough to ask me then how does one so young enough now how and what best to describe in an arena where humor can be of profit to know even the words "shaggy dog story" when the humor that was vogue in some circles was passe almost already before I  was born, and children in the decades knew of humor as knock-knock jokes..
            Once in the MHU 1-G of the FMC-BOP in Butner NC - that's a psych ward in a federal prison, just as for what ever reason I walk up the hallway into the conversation to be noted as to add my two cents to invest in a thousand dollars worth of product at a net profit of theologian enterprises to pay for all time the only dollar to value of what is the only viable resolution to the philosophical debates of centuries is a word for word quoted as it occurred in 2009 before sometime May 5.

            Dennis is giving sage advice to another inmate named Ed.  Ed is subject to a court order psychological review due to being mildly retard as how best to handle a pending plea for the court due to as he said was counted at over 7,000 pornographic images downloaded teen age girls. He actually was busted when he crossed state lines when the girl he met online snitched on him.

            As I explained to him, his girlfriend he traveled interstate to meet for the first time in the flesh as in the flesh, not in cyber realm, but at the house she provided him the address as one who was actually 21 years old and a cop.

                    But as I walk up the hallway Dennis is sounding out his view point of one of a seasoned convict as Ed, his crime as a major is of a first offense, Dennis says to Ed. "It's like some one peed in your butt hole. And now you are pissed off at the world."  In philosophy this statement is called a thesis a statement as observation to illustrate a fact that Ed has a problem.

                  Ed counter- argues with the sense of a question as to the answer of what Dennis sees is Eds' problem - the following is called an anti-thesis. the polar opposite of a thesis as a statement as a given that proposes another opposite answer as to displace even surmount for what is for Dennis a given even final answer that Ed is like some one peed in his butt hole and this made him pissed off at the world Ed has as anti-thesis to object to quote " Guys.. I am not gay,,"

                   Then I inmate and scribe of these words from one to find in the FBOP # 11031-078 as to offer as a Socrates or Diogenes the philosophical synthesis as the resolution of ah axiom. That I offer a synthesis that takes what ever to plus or minus the merits of both and each separately as one Ed has as an objection to what Dennis has propose for Ed, is for Ed an unacceptable view of Ed's problem. This is the impasse to which a philosopher can offer a synthesis of value which Plato as one made famous and profound would answer in a realm that by definition is not subject to resolve by way of synthesis due to being denied access to any who would or could even attempt the philosophical resolution known as a Synthesis.

               That I inmate-philosopher FBOP# 11031 -078 offer the synthesis worthy of any Socrates or rival in standing to some well above the even more influential Plato. As Diogenes himself would propose to go down in history of the best of Cynic Thought, as I offer  one of the School of Diogenes to answer the best it could get for Inmate-philosopher FBOP# 11031 -078 final answer; to Ed;  "Who said anything about you being gay?"

                 And if I may toot my resume' as to market value just begin to imagine a school teacher - Sunday School church member in good standing under oath as to why she would lie to a police officer as to say how so she as teacher to kids  of parents' who like-minded of this school teacher under oath both as a PTA seems subject inquiry of CPS at least when jack the wrong fucker in federal custody you are in range of FBI and the worse thing to imagine if even to say as subject to cross-examination of school children as to answer not of the truth but only the motive for criminal conspiracy to conceal.

        Because inmate FBOP #110131-078 as when to explain away or conceal as a criminal charge that children were instructed AKA Dog was suspicious by virtue of witness account as a married man on the block he resided was noted by the sinister tendency of being in monogamous relations with his wife?

           What brilliance I would in philosophy 101 brag as a right to earned. As to the testimony as court transcript of a criminal association of the darkest underbelly to tie a Public School System and a Police Dept in one town alone, as to the worst of scum to traffick in humans, and of bad people. and far worse truly evil people of a family tradition to intersect at a location of a minor protestant denomination noted of the Midwest USA in a time where this denomination in numbers already in decline

               I can only think of the late great George Carlin as one best to interpret my account that as a writer I still must be modest that my ability often times just does not adequate to answer opportunity. And the key factor was to please your wife and well maybe if we went to church would not be like no harm done? or not? As too even thirty-ish couple in 1993 subject to sexually based retaliation and every one at least is of a consenting status ?

              Yes only George Carlin could do justice to put to a context how hand in glove both a felony crime and conviction as to have once years not too prior been a tithing member in good standing of church whose core members are criminal in their respected professions of Educator and Cop?

               Next subject philosophical as proof in reasoning ; Absurdism, as how in the fuck could something make all the sense in the world. For the exact reason, subject to inquiry and examination that it makes sense; because it does not in any god damn way to make any sense at all?

             Unless you are retarded. But if you are retarded you could not be a cop and/or school teacher or perform any job tasks that a chimpanzee could be taught to do; better than a cop and/or school would screw up by being incompetent; beyond the capability of a chimp or mental retarded person?    --- Copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.




Tuesday, January 5, 2016

                                                    Tuesday 5, of January 2016

                                               The Leveller; intro The Digger Dog

                        "What kind of Hell that must be tormented by your own creations?"
                                                    --- John LeCarre

         It is almost, close enough enough as it would January of 1986; 30 years ago today, a few days numbered under a week. 30 years ago in a world that in a sense today  -- as it was done in Fort Worth Texas -- They could not get away with it now days; this aspect of their Open Lie. Because of the world wide web. And I myself would have had  it to piece together: a video to the story of a song;  to be too dangerous as to exposure to go viral.   Earache My Eye, a take on Cheech and Chong classic;  as the audience were underage girls and their infant children.

          People in the 1980's took it a point in their favor, regarding intellect and moral fiber, to avoid reading both the Fort Worth Star Telegram. And viewing the evening news of especially in the Metroplex before the days of cable TV, Channel 5.

          Knowing both the world of professional journalism from family heritage, and the overlap of cop and criminal in the arena of drug trade. And the consequences of abuses of power; of too well regarded by the favored status of those they both served and pimped for.

           I have bookmarked the obits of  3-5 cops and a news reporter or two; whose memorial belies the fact these men in death, deserve nothing better than a cesspool for the final remains of what they really were. As  many, too many have themselves died without any name enshrined on their tomb.

         Because it was so ridiculous and such degenerated evil that it was too funny not to have been viral in a world decades from YouTube. And still even 6-8 years before the Internet was  common place enough to be posed so, to have as global  nations to be know and be in a word and a world  yet to be on-line.

         But the two real and very pertinent here, only these two people, who I have in my mind now; as to be both brief and all inclusive.  As say not that I can apologize, because to say I am sorry,  yes true enough, but to be sorry for what? That it is complex as it can be, explaining being sucker punched  to innocent victims.

         From one not innocent. Yet for these two individuals; as guilty as the business and friends and friends of the very weak family one can be tied to. They  are as even more guilty than I ever could be. They lied - The Big Lie - to these two, other wise I would have never had to sucker punch a young lady in her professional standing.

         And the young man as her in-law, Sucker punch in a literal sense, would mean from the size of the young man, to be lucky to not land up in an ER. If he decided hit back.

            And, for I to do, what the innocent victims of the professionals who would be their bosses would fear the most. As fear would make them both shown as cowards and to be so stupid as their cowardice would reap rewards, in arrogance alone, winning approval  from the peers and uber-bosses they would build careers and climb ladders made of the bones and flesh of the victims that are the paychecks for these UN-principled and depraved indifferent professionals.

              The City Police Chief of Denison TX, and not one cop yet to figure:  that if the young lady in question works as honest and virtue would be a career marker. But secretly her boss or two bosses are whore mongers. And being a cop in Denison TX means pleasing the bosses as whoremongers as job security.

              AS in December of 2014; and  still the same song as December 2015. The cops will not fix the problem as too much able to ignore at West Elm & 800 N. Layne.

              And I max out three years on a federal violation; because some one went to the police about what he learned from me by OCT 2006;   of Morton Plaza and Lum.   And because of a law of Texas Mandated Guidelines Clause (C).

               Of the above mentioned young professional lady.  I may be a bad person, but unlike her bosses, it would not be a motive of sexual exploits to boast of, to impress half-ass flunkys on the city-of- Denison- taxed - based - life- to -subsidize. Would it?

                                                            ---- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

[ 1965 - 1989;  " Jackie was just speeding away/ thought she was James Dean for a Day..."  RIP ].

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Leveller; intro the Digger Dog JAN. 1 2016 --
Happy New Year
 The Weapon -- Frederic Brown

          As a johnny - come - lately on-line and more of a newbie to social media and now to blogging - I have found Google such an excellent tool for research. . The key words of the last line in that short story I read once when I was no more than 23 years old in the early 1980's. And now I know over 30 years, again the the title and author and as apparent well known short story that a number of links have the entire text of The Weapon by Frederic Brown.

             I had deleted two prior drafts to set up the fact that I did not vote in the last two presidential elections; but of the fact in 2008, I went against a personal principle of mine that I did not bet on sporting events, and put $20.00 on Obama to win knowing it would be easy money earned.

               As of to date, I know it would be wrong to wager on the most likely next president to be sworn in January of 2017; President Trump who is on record of illegal aliens set out to sexually assault him and on 9 -11 witnessed thousands of Muslims dancing the streets of Newark NJ.

               The next president of the USA displays symptom of delusions of grandeur with hallucinatory episodes. Or as a criminal profiled of a pathological liar.

               Well, just so the "Tyranny of the Majority" realizes who they put into the Oval Office because they like his TV reality show The Apprentice.

            Below is from DISQUS, a social media I signed on to by default when I posted a comment to a web-site The Picket Line - the site devoted to tax-resistance. In addition to not voting I pay a zero net of income into any local, state or federal taxes. You will never pin the blame on my ballot and dollar.


 IN a Dictatorship the Oligarchy takes the power from the people.

 IN a Democracy the people yield to the "Tyranny of the Majority".

 IN a Democratic-republic -- as in the USA -- the people give up their power to the Oligarchy.

 The Anarchist gives up NO or at the very least as little power to either the Oligarchy and/or "Tyranny of the Majority".

 -- copyright 2015 Diogenes Ltd.