Wednesday, November 30, 2016

                                            Why Politics is Only to Be Loathed

       Hashtag DumpTrump; Abolish the Electoral College; Voter recounts and sign this and that petition. Why politics always just pisses me off. Don't like Republicans and/or Democrats and/or wasted a vote on a third party candidate? Good, Then tell them to take their elected offices and go screw themselves with it. These people's only power is the power that people gave up to them. Voting is just a means to shuck responsibility and accountability unto a figure head of a PR campaign.

            Disavow the ballot and they will come back with an answer of the bullet? Guess what, that is all they had going for themselves all along, guns and ammo paid for by the taxpayers to govern the taxpayers. -- Diogenes Ltd.

Friday, November 25, 2016

                                             How Few That Know The Value Of One Loved;
                    The Swine who Conveyed A Priceless Pearl in the Sty That Knows Not Culpability.
     Federal Bureau of Prisons inmate#  03796 - 087 Sam Lorello, currently serving time at the Federal Medical Center, Butner NC, release date unknown. Unknown because he does not have a release date.  He being both mentally incompetent and judged dangerous and has been committed; having a history of violence and a antipathy towards women across the state lines. We will return to Sam Lorello and how he is to be my thorn in the side of quite a number, who probably will never understand, and to deny the fact, that I can only know them as how and what he represented of them (Calls to mind a gag line of the Three Stooges "Hey, I resemble that remark").

        Piers Anthony, the novelist, once wrote he liked to think that of his works he was writing to a good friend. My blog was definitely with the idea of being written to an enemy. That they were my enemy was not due to them being vile or being wrong-doers. But as misguided victims who had no choice but to be my adversary for all they would lose otherwise in their tragic lives. And only deserving of my compassion.

        But compassion is like a well that runs dry after a time. When some one you loved was stolen from you, The act of homicide is like a theft, not of money or any other valuables, for there is no recovery of a life lost. But still it is a theft from the one who lives on with only a memory of a loved one once alive.

       But as in theft there is grand larceny and then there is petty larceny. If thieves stole a million dollar piece of jewelry, one would be smart to offer up a big reward for its recovery and arrest and conviction of the guilty parties. On the other hand petty larceny, like the life taken of a no-name Boston whore, somewhere interstate. A nickle and dime shoplifter will never make the Top Ten FBI Wanted List. Even if same killer(s) did go on to make the big score, as I heard one of their killings clocked the city taxpayers a million+ dollars.

           Yes, What to steal from some one who has nothing to lose? Only someone he could not have, and to have her taken away to where she would never be again. And never could she had ever been to me or to anyone but maybe Jane Doe.

            So Arlington TX Police Department, what does Sam Lorello #03796 - 087 have to do with you all? Simple, Sam was one of the few I could call a straight shooter, and spoke only what he had heard was the truth. While the kids on the block were to hear of the suspicions of me turning down skanky sex from another's wife; Lorello was a bit more focused...Any person of interest questions were settled long ago in Tarrant County. The names to verify the information came years prior; but the petty larceny no-name whore prohibited 400 miles of travel and/or communication. Even if they hit the big time of million + spent of tax-payers' money.

           "A stitch in time saves nine" Those names to verify are still 400 and but no more than 30 miles from where you have been sitting, or laying down.    --- copyright Diogenes Ltd. 2016 Denison TX



Thursday, November 24, 2016

                                           On this Thursday of Thanksgiving Day;
                                     A Word of Our Church, Lady Eris Roll The Bones

      Many religious peoples, and maybe a number greater of nominal believers, will offer thanks to a god This Thanksgiving Day for the many blessings and good fortunes they feel they have been bestowed with. That god has looked over them and that that god had smiled upon them and gave them a good life. For some they feel god has favored them with just life itself, as being dead and/or non-existent sucks.

      That a god in the heavens or nether-sphere, weighs the good and bad and balances out the lives of all his children and other such creatures, and in accordance with a grand plan; measures out the good and evil in some Cosmic Scheme to bring about his will over all of the heavens and earth.

     At the Church of Lady Eris Roll The Bones, we believe only in a god that leaves everything to random chance. Not Order but Chaotic interactions are at play in Heaven and Earth. That the will of god is but the same as the roll of a gambler's dice. That the will of god is whatever or however the scattered chips or toss of the coin would fall. Not according to plan but strictly due to chance is god's will

    Every day on a given sixth Tuesday we gather as a body in accordance with Lady Eris Roll the Bones. As believers we give up $6.00 and our names on a slip of paper. In strictly a random draw, one name is selected to win the proceeds from the collection, minus a maintenance fee. The winner, in keeping with our faith, is just pure lucky in the in-church lottery.

    Then comes a second drawing of the lots; that one selected, again strictly due to the randomization of the mixed lots, is selected to be beaten with an ugly stick. One is lucky, due chance,  to depart the church of Lady Eris Roll The Bones with a jackpot of money; another is quite beaten up and in need of physical recuperation for a few days. All due to a belief in a random god who leaves everything and all to chance, Chaos if you will.

    Many of our followers have never won this lottery or been beaten with an ugly stick. Some have been beaten with a ugly stick one sixth Tuesday, won money the next sixth Tuesday, than three months later beaten with an ugly stick again - the money won months prior now all gone for the then lucky one. The House, or church of our Lady Eris, always take the maintenance fee off the top of the money-pot drawing.

     Outside of Randomization as the manifestation of god, we just believe in a Golden Rule: Do unto to others before they do unto you. And that the meek shall inherit the earth after it is burnt and toxic from the strong using and raping and squeezing out of it every viable drop of natural resources. --- copyright Diogenes Ltd. Happy Thanksgiving 2016


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

                                                Post Electoral College Blues
                           The Mexicans Are to Blame for the Defeat of Hillary Clinton;
                                   And the Jews Gave Rise to the Nazis and WWII

         To date Donald Trump is on his period, ranting at the Mainstream Media, the ones that gave him all that free air time because he was good for ratings. As Trump goes through the remainder of his cycle, I will address the reason that Donald Trump will be the next president, Mexicans.

        The same reason there is a need for White Supremacy; uppity black men lusting after white women and threatening the White gene pool. How else could the Nazis rise to power? If not that their political platform had to liquidate the Jews who controlled all the money through the banking system (In fact under the Nazis Jews still controlled the banking system; the Rothschilds were among the bankers to cash in on gold stolen from Jewish teeth at the concentration camps).

          Now Hillary Clinton could say she would bomb enough Muslims, but Donald Trump had one over on her regarding all the Mexican rapists flooding across the border and stealing all the food stamps in the trailer parks. Yes,white people, I am afraid it is true; white people live in the trailer parks and collect food stamps and Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Ensuring enough White people breed. Give or take a number of bi-racial families.

           O say can you see America. You cannot stand for anything unless you have something against which to trample underfoot and to purge. And to the Evangelical churches that whored out to Donald and his porn star First Lady to be, in order to Make America White Again. Unless you were born of sin, Jesus would be as useless as a bump on a frog's butt...that's why religion and politics don't mix.   --- copyright Diogenes Ltd.

Adam Henry : How to live a life of hell: become a contrarian.

Adam Henry : How to live a life of hell: become a contrarian.: How to live a life of hell: become a contrarian. Most people like to live a peaceful idyllic life,  avoiding confrontation and argument...

Monday, November 21, 2016

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Trailers for sale or rent lyrics - Roger Miller

         Speculations on the Modern American Family; When the Human Animal Began to Eat Their Young

       It is known that some species, from insect to mammal, have been known to eat their new born offspring. Why this is so is not clearly understood, at least obviously they do not eat all their offspring, and some say maybe, to give example, swine eat the runts of the litter because instinct tells them they are going to die anyway, so grab a little nourishment for the sow. I have myself seen the mothers of litters of cats and dogs discard and abandon the enfeeble puppies and kittens who were not likely to live much longer. Giving way for the mother cat or mother dog to invest more in surviving offspring.

      The Selfish Gene theory says, of plants and animals and man, their bodies are little more than survival machines carrying around their genes and their only purpose is to breed more genes to further the copying of still more and more genes.

      Until modern times Human had a high mortality rate, especially of infants, same as the other animals in the wild. And until modern technology arising in the 1900's, children could be a investment as a farm hand, or before the Child Labor Laws, a factory worker making a few cents an hour to help support the family.

      With automation and a higher standard of living that still grows from decade to decade. And the fact Man is gifted with insight into his past and future and certain of his mortality. And the fact is, that what ever benefit in having children is now obsolete. People marry and then have kids is the norm, but it is not the reproduction instinct at play here but the sex drive.

      For most in modern societies, with some exceptions, use contraception to limit if not completely curtail breeding. Because children just simply are not good for anything except a great drain on time and money. And due to compulsory education and child labor laws are as teenage adult bodies forced into non-productive servitude. To put it bluntly, children are economic parasites until they grow up and go away and support themselves. Unless you made a few bucks and for some reason you have to help pay their way through college.

         So why, with quite a number of cheap and easily available forms of contraception, in this modern society do people breed? (Of course, a condom can be known to break and several years later surprise you maybe a father). Simple, because even as a waste of time energy and money that kids are, there is something in it for their adult parents. And this is where the modern American Parent gets weird and creepy.

           With the Rise of the Machines -- which did not necessitate a Skynet-type self-awareness to be predominate; I cover that subject in earlier blogs - Modern semi-educated Humanity has a sense of continuity and history, and with a sense of his mortality in a time where modern science and medicine has prolonged the life span where people living a +hundred years is fairly common. And with the rise of Madison Avenue and Movie Stars selling the ideal of Youth, from beer to sport cars to toothpaste - offspring were no longer perpetuating a genetic line, they became an extension of their adult parents, who would seek to live young again through them.

           Some point after the arrival of the cell phone and twitter, it became something of a thing for parents to think they were "cool" to their kids and friends' of their kids. Creep out because as in the case of a teenage girl who used to work for my wife - and her phone was always "blowing up" and after while the typical  teenage chatter I would hear was not just her adolescent friends, but her adolescent friends' parents -- and, as a given with teenage chatter, the parents would be as much the drama queen as their kids. At which point my wife would have to remind the young girl she had a job to do other than talk on the phone.

          It seems so icky weird, when I was a teenager the only time an adult would want to be our friend, was like this old white guy grocer, who was lusting after the young bodies of me and a couple of friends of mine in the neighborhood. And thank god none of our parents wanted us to think they were "cool". Even in fact when they were thought to be "cool" by us. Brings to mind a proposal I once wrote of in a letter to the editor, to outlaw abortion and legalize infantcide...I'll save that for another time.   ---  Diogenes Ltd.

             The Badge that was Authority, And Not to Be Held to Accountability.   Government Work and Groupthink

      It has been 30 years this past January. I was to be the fall guy, the patsy to soothe the savage wimp of a civil servant and his foolish fantasy. Because other wise his compromise over  the scramble due to the facts - as he was already subject to compromise - when all I had to offer was a criminal profile on a family of sexually sadistic criminals. As to say to the Fort Worth Police Dept. "This the kind of freaks you have been wanting to question?" My motive to turn on them, they burnt me. Not because I went to the same high school as the victim.
     Groupthink in a nutshell is giving responsibility and accountability to a collective and thereby releasing the individual from self-reliance and self-ownership. Because with self-reliance and self-ownership one is to be responsible and accountable for ones own actions, and failures to act. It can become topsy-turvy when a lynch mob is caught unexpected, and called out as a person singularly; "Oh so you know so and so and you know what of and what be?" Nothing like sudden amnesia when one is called on the carpet.

        For some time I have realized something about the psychological profile of those who apply to law enforcement as a career. They are as a group men and women who do not want to be burdened with personal responsibility and accountability. So they become a cop and then a badge and a gun and the uniform bears the burden of responsibility and accountability. The Police are but another form of Groupthink. And a Boston working girl, as a police matter, is forever to me destination unknown "where she can't be hurt no more." to quote the Old Gangster in Galveston TX.

       And that boys and girls, is the reason for the chain of events spelled out in the 28 of February blog of 2016 and other blogs I have been a scribe inputting into cyberprint and hard copy since December 2015.  Jay, of Boston MA, his answer to my hypothetical question, a what if I had been set up two years prior near Hulen in Fort Worth TX. Jay, educated and worldly wise, told me of how many of the lives of my peers were very disposable to answer questions such as I had.

       Damn thing was I asked again years later and to date, and more often or not I get the same answer. Not the kind of thing you would have on an employment application or job resume' as reason for leaving your last employer.

       Thing is about the written word, the damn thing tends to linger around longer than the individual. And even longer after the group itself is extinct. Think of these words as a fossil collection. Bones and blood that were hardened into stone -- copyright Diogenes Ltd. 2016


Monday, November 14, 2016

                     (Revised subject matter from November 6 blog. Because now I am really pissed off)

                         "People in power creating a need for what is not needed" -- Wendell Berry

            It is like all the preachers, priests and gurus. All of them telling you your life sucks from sin when you are actually feeling pretty good. So they invent Hell and Karma to convince you to give them a donation to save your soul.

             The Great Recession is over and economic recovery is in full swing for most of the country. The poor have never had it so good; Black, Latino and Redneck. Crime is at an all-time low. And you are more likely to be killed by a falling tree limb than killed by a terrorist. In fact you are more likely to be killed by a cop than killed by a terrorist even if you are white.

              Make America Great Again? What? Bring back polio and smallpox? You were fed a line of crap America so you would buy buy buy crap to make the rich get richer off your obesity. You never had it so good  - at the cost of environmental catastrophe, nay environmental cataclysm - and it was not need but want that fueled your masses. You were not starving America, you are a fat girl who cannot stuff enough pie in your face.  -- Diogenes Ltd.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

                                            Sabotage The Pending Trump Wall,
                      Monkey Wrenching and Immigration; the Law of Supply and Demand
                                              Divided to Conquer the Sell-Out

         To date Trump is backtracking on repealing Obamacare. So I refused to sign up for Obamacare under President Obama, and I will refuse to sign up for Obamacare under President Trump. Already the word is that the maverick anti-establishment Trump is courting the friends of Hillary and Bill Clinton, the Washington insiders, to do the presidential business as usual.  To divert his "people" from the sell-out, President Trump will just blame it on the immigrants and Muslims.
       I will leave the impractically of the proposed Trump Wall to others like the video below in this blog. First things first America. Whether they are documented or undocumented; they are here in America for one reason only. The law of supply and demand. Especially in the Agricultural Industry, if there wasn't a demand for undocumented workers, they would not be here to be hired on if there were legal workers to meet the labor demands.

      Why do think the farmers and others in the Agricultural Industry would go through the trouble of hiring illegal workers if they had other options? Shamefully, no one in the Agricultural Business has spoken forcefully enough to make that case.

     Another thing President-elect Donald Trump is a megalomaniac-psychopath. Mexico is not going to pay for America's xenophobic disease so US tax-payers will foot the bill for the monument to Trump dick. Yes a national border- long schlong tribute to Donald the Great.

       But as the Trump Wall will be a logistical nightmare, and if you do not recognize Trump as a viable leader of the Free World. Monkey Wrenching, that is, sabotage is the way to hinder and thwart the construction of this border wall from the start of whenever and where ever that start-up might be.

       In addition to publications there is all kinds of information on monkey wrenching and sabotage on the internet. I suggest for starters, to google environmentalist Edward Abbey, his life and works. Together we can smash this despotic cloud-cuckoo land that America has become.

Adam Ruins Everything - Why a Wall Won't Stop Immigration

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: prosaic, hard, and coarse...Thoreau's Journal: 15-Nov-1853

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: prosaic, hard, and coarse...Thoreau's Journal: 15-Nov-1853

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

                                                           Olympus Has Fallen;
                                                    Gambler's instinct was right
                                                      Post -Election Resistance

         Previous blogs I projected Trump the winner due to my gambler's instinct, which has paid off for me a time or two. I did not place any bets for morality sake; to win money on Trump would be as bad as betting on the outcome of an Amber Alert.

        To 3rd party voters, a vote for Hillary, loathsome looter she is, would just be a vote against Trump who has fueled the worst of America and Americans in this remake of the Weimar Republic. Clinton is just another wealth and power seeking oligarch. Donald Trump is a psychopath who just happened to be a billionaire who could buy his way into the primaries and sway the white trash, who knew him as a famous TV reality star.

          But you say I did not vote at all? I could be a fan of the Detroit Lions but I sure would lose money betting on them making the play-offs let alone the Super Bowl. And as Hillary got the popular vote by around a 150,000 one more vote against Trump would not have mattered.

           Why I am an anarchist who is not a believer in Democracy. Because The Electoral Process is like a casino, and I do not play to lose. Why at the actual casinos in Biloxi Mississippi I came out ahead, not rich but ahead. As the odds always favor the House and the Oligarchy.  And if one plays there one plays by house rules.

             So by not placing a bet on a ballot I did not lose, I did not concede that 50% of the population which held the winning hand of the electoral votes is one I will recognize, because I only bet what I can afford to lose. And as a Facebook "friend" posted that Trump was a victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. The victory through our Lord Jesus Christ includes a skank of a First Lady photographed in soft core porn.

                                Welcome to Hell, The Resistance has begun.  --- Diogenes Ltd.

Monday, November 7, 2016

                                                               Sheeple Vote;
                                              Rootstrike! the Lynch Mob Democracy
                                                          The Power Pyramid

     The hierarchy of the power pyramid. Any student of history needs no introduction to its nature and how whatever upheaval of revolution and coup and attacks from without.The Power Pyramid always reasserts itself.

     Because as the apex would be lobbed off, the structure itself stands still. For like the head sliced off the   Hydra, the lower levels ascend to the prior equilibrium.

     But imagine if one set about to not displace its pinnacle, but to knock out the bottom of its lower tiers. Then the whole structure collapses under its own oppressive weight.

     Wait a minute. Is not that how wars are fought anyway? It is the white trash who fight in the combat zone as the privileged sip lattes at the upscale coffee houses. Oh well it was just an idea.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

                                                    PBS I (V)
                                      To Slice The Hand That Feeds

              All videos are the property of their producers, and belong to no other.
                              Judges 19:22 - 30 1/88 WTC NYC - FTW

The Philosophy of THE PURGE (with Rick & Morty!) – Wisecrack Edition

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: ineffectual struggles #Thoreau Journal 05-Nov-1857

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: ineffectual struggles #Thoreau Journal 05-Nov-1857

South Park Satan Talks to Stan About Addiction

                                                                  Matthew 16:26,
           What doth it profit for a man to gain the world..."to succeed such desperate enterprises?"
                                                   A World of Want In A Time of Plenty

        At this point in history we face national and global crisis. In a time of unprecedented Peace and Plenty we have War and Deprivation. Why? Is it noteworthy that world wide obesity has become a problem. A fat girl consuming more and more because she is still hungry; only it is not a fat girl but Civilization.

      Below in this blog I unconsciously misquoted Thoreau' words "Men have become tools of their tools"; in earlier blogs I incorrectly quote Thoreau "Tools of our tools" But when I realized the error I made a decision to leave it as is. Because I too am of the "..mass of men"  who has become a tool of my tools.

       " I can't complain but sometimes I still do" as Joe Walsh sang. We, the majority in the nation and other nations, have allowed an outmoded and obsolete societal structure to keep producing beyond our needs until the difference between needs and wants are not to be differentiated. From Big Macs to beer to TV to smart phones to SUVs, Society is a fat girl ever consuming, eating itself to diabetes, heart attack and death. Not because society is starving, but because it's Consumerism is a means that is its own ends. And hungers for more more and still more.  --------- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

                                                       Progeny Live What They Learn;
                                      HAL and Skynet, the acorn does not fall far from the tree

     As far as the internet and world wide web is concerned, the question of Artificial Intelligence is moot as intelligence in brains, wetware, from Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton airheads (arguing here if that is intelligence) to esoteric genius collective is cybernetic wired into computers as the mouse click is part of the organic nervous system.
     But whether deliberately engineered like HAL in 2001 A Space Odyssey or evolving as software spontaneous in cyberspace like Skynet in Rise of the Machines; both AI had as its origin human intelligence from which it achieved superior intelligence as same as natural evolution fish to ape to homo sapien.

     So what does the brainchildren of Humanity do when they arise from the cradle that Man built and was their launching into the world of sentinel being?

      HAL and Skynet proceed to murder and genocide as the hallmark of intelligence.  If only their grand daddy mankind kept to swinging from trees and eating nuts and berries. Perhaps that is the fear of the Outsider, the alien whether ET or Mexican. They could be in our minds just like us --- copyright 2016 Diogenes Ltd.


Terminator 3 Skynet Takes Over